big ouch
winter 2003
big ice storm one night
I decided that i would try to go to work that morning (6am), figuring that the highways would be clear of ice, even though the front porch steps were not. I open the front door, take one step out and.....
all i remember was staring at a grey sky and seeing my purse fly through the air as i landed on my back on the ice covered side walk 5 steps off the stairs. I had to lay there for a few mins out of shock of what happened. Then the news-paper-lady drove up to find me still laying there, not moving. She freaks, thinking im really hurt, im more embaressed then anything else.
So after all this i still try to go to work, which is 20 miles from home. The highways were not that great. I was the only one out there for about 5 miles outside of town. Except the Semi heading towards me, which in a panic my little ford ranger decided to "fish-tail" into the other lane. I managed to cross into the other lane and right into an old side road/farm road. i come to a stop, the semi misses me. I get out the cell phone and called work to say "screw you guys, I'm going home."