2 things you shouldn't try at home
Oh geez, I am joining this club. I have gotten some weird injuries, and I'd love to share them with you so I don't feel quite so bad about them.
Incident #1 : The collision
So one day, when I was pretty small, I was in the bank with mum. I went to go sit, as I wasn't feeling well. The seats were behind this glass wall which separates the tellers from the entrance of the bank. So, when she was done, out of habit she headed for the exit, without me. I started to panic, and may I remind you I was not feeling well, so acting out-of-character I shouted, "Hey, wait!" and walked really fast to the point of running, right into the glass wall partition, and fell in a heap on the floor. The worst part is, it took me a while to figure out what happened, and by the time I picked myself up, a teller had ran over to help me up and kept asking me, "are you okay?" I lied and said I was, and got up and ran after my mum, before she got too far away.
Incident #2 : Don't try to comb your eye
I had just washed my hair, and was trying to comb my hair out of my face with this giant green plastic comb that was lying around in the bathroom. I was in a bit of a hurry, as one can imagine. Well, some may lack hand-eye coordination, but I certainly wasn't, because instead of combing my hairline, I ended up jabbing myself pretty hard in the eye. It was quite painful, and stung for quite awhile. After icing it on and off for the better part of a day, it wasn't getting better, it was just getting mroe and more painful. So, after an emergency trip to the eye doctor, I got some eyedrops to fix the scratch I ended up making on my eye. Lovely, eh?
So, I think those 2 moments, if nothing else, qualify me for joining.