WOW. It's I'm glad you're alright. That could have been...well I won't dwell on that.
Thanks man...but oh yeah, I know...well Ive been close to the edge before(like when I was in the hospital for a few days in 1998) Just makes me feel more appreciative I guiess, and give me more clarity on things.
Fozzie Bear said:
I hate car accidents, especially if me or someone I know is in it! I think there's a sign in there somewhere that you met a girl you like and the date went well, then there's such a bad accident. Maybe she's the one and you shouldn't put anything off? I dunno.
Still, I'm super happy my good friend Cory is well!
Kev le Foz
Hmm, definately an interesting take on things! But yeah, it wasnt my me and Tom still need to crash another Muppet Fest backstage thingy, hehe. But yes indeedy, I am here and well! Just a bit shaken, and kind of stirred. Btw, how is Muley doing?
Super Scooter said:
I'm glad you're alright, Cory.
Congratulations on the date, though.
Thanks man! I swear people like you help make this thee best darn forum on the net...Ive never encountered such thoughtful, conscientious caring people.
Boober_Gorg said:
, I guess that makes two of us. This year I've also had a car totalled and I've also started dating a (how you say) geeky girl.
Last Friday we had a blast at the Flint Center where we saw Eric Idle's "Greedy B*st*rd Tour".
OMG!!! Ack, Im so sorry...but isnt it weird, how life is? You go from the car accident to what could be love! hehe Well I am *very* happy for ya G man!
sarah_yzma said:
was the date worthy of another one?
Um, I think so! I dunno, Im so new to all that stuff
Manda:-D said:
Woah....Glad you're allright, Cor...Geez, you came REALLY close to biting the big one, from what it sounds like...It's a miracle you're here...(But are we EVER glad!!!)
So...The date went well? (Details, DETAILS!!!
Aww, thanks Manda! Yeah Im glad to be here too. OMG its been a little over five years since Ive been on MC forums, thats so long! hehe. But yeah, you guys are too rad for words. Mmm, bu *** was beyond scary, everything truly is muffled and in slow motion, like something out of a movie...and their truly is a a few moments where you wonder if 'this is it?'. But I am here and well!
Aw the date...well we went shopping in san francisco, walked around the apk, I drew a picture of her there, we went to dinner, it went so well, especially for my first date. So not used to hearing a girl think Im cute, hehe
She told me how sweet I was and what a wonderful time she had(and we even kissed!) See, I told you I was *innocent*
Beebers said:
I've had tons of impressive and occasionally gory accidents, it'll be a story to tell your grandchildren, and you'll never let them drive in torrential rainstorms, and if they do you'll personally run out and remove all obstacles first. There's nothing like that rolling-over-and-over-and-over feeling to make you see God, that's for sure. Assuming you can remember it. Glad you're okay. Surviving the date is the hard part.
Oh gosh, Im sorry youve been in some...I didnt quite see God, I did have a moment of clarity tho...that I need to just start living I guess. Yeah, I was more nervous about the date I had earlier that day, heh.