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Hey Everyone!
I finally wrote another fan-fic. It's a holiday one-shot and I started it before my law school finals and just finally finished it in the wee hours of Christmas Eve. Anyway I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Merry Christmas everyone, here is "One More Letter"
Even though dinner was over, no one was leaving the table. Everyone was still talking, laughing, flinging the occasional pea across the room (which Rizzo would catch in his mouth before Claire’s mom would notice), and just enjoying each other’s company. Yes, the Muppets were celebrating an unexpected but secretly-wished for Christmas together at Claire’s apartment. Just as it always does, a deck-the-halls disaster turned into a happy holiday with a little chaos, cranky crustacean (hey I’m a King Prawn, h’okay!), but most of all...heart. Kermit watched all his friends from the end of the table and thought about how great it was that he and his friends pulled together to help Gonzo keep a promise to a friend and make Claire’s Christmas wish come true. As he turned his gaze to a certain someone though, he realized that he broke a promise to one friend to help keep another, and breaking a promise never felt good, especially breaking a promise to her.
As everyone finally began to get up from the table, Kermit saw Piggy head to the fireplace after spying something on the mantle. She seemed to be looking at one of the pictures of Claire and her Mom. She picked up the particular frame, let out a little sigh as she put it back on the mantle and wandered towards the Christmas tree. Kermit went over to the mantle to see what made Piggy look so sad. The picture Piggy was looking at was one of Claire and her mom on a beach, in a big hug and smiling. Kermit realized why Piggy wasn’t so cheerful; she was still upset about not spending Christmas in the Caribbean with him.
They had planned their little holiday together for weeks when they realized that everyone was making their own separate plans for Christmas. Kermit’s cousin gave them a great deal on an ocean-front beach house in the Caribbean for the holidays and as the days till Christmas grew shorter, Piggy became more and more excited, kissing Kermit’s cheek every time they passed in the hallway and humming her favorite Christmas carols. Kermit had not seen Piggy so happy in a long time, and though he secretly wished that they would spend the holidays with the whole gang together as always, Kermit was looking forward to a little R &R alone with Piggy.
Kermit was about to go over and talk to Piggy when Gonzo came over to talk to him. “Hey Kermit, I wanted to thank again for helping me out tonight. I don’t know what I would do without a friend like you.” “You’re welcome Gonzo, I’m glad that we gave Claire her Christmas wish.” said Kermit. “Me too”, said Gonzo, “I’m sorry that you had to break your promise to Piggy and miss your Christmas in the Caribbean”. “Me too, I know that Piggy knew it was the right thing to do, but she really was looking forward to our little trip together, I hope I can make it up to her”, said Kermit with a sigh. “I’m sure everything will work out” said Gonzo. “You two have always managed to work things out before, it’ll be fine. Well I better go say goodnight to Claire and head back to my place for some well-needed shut eye, Merry Christmas Kermit”, said Gonzo as he hugged his friend. “Thanks Gonzo and a Merry Christmas to you too.” said Kermit.
Kermit once again tried to find Piggy to talk to her, but was stopped by Fozzie. “Hey Kermit, great party right? I’m so glad that we are all together for the holidays, things couldn’t have turned out better”, said Fozzie with a great big smile. “Well, maybe things could have turned out a little better” said Kermit as he watched Piggy swat Pepe after he was trying to put some of his smooth moves on Claire’s mom. Fozzie looked over and finally understood why Kermit wasn’t so chipper. “Oh, well I know that Piggy knows that it was the right thing to do for you to go to the North Pole, even though it messed up your plans together, and she’s always understood every other time” said Fozzie. “What do you mean, ‘other times’?” asked Kermit. “All the other times that you have cancelled stuff with Piggy to take care of something else. She’s always understood before and you guys always seem to make up, and I’m sure you guys will again, especially for the holidays” said Fozzie reassuringly. Kermit was looking back into the past and realized that he did tend to do other things instead of things with Piggy- something always seemed to come up and Piggy always seemed to be the one left by the wayside. Fozzie didn’t mean to but Kermit definitely felt worse. “Thanks Fozzie, I hope you’re right” said Kermit with very little confidence. Fozzie gave his friend a big pat on the back, “Go talk to Piggy, I’ll make sure everyone is cleaning up and getting ready to head out so Claire and her mom can go to bed.” “Thanks Fozzie” said Kermit “I know I can always count on you. Thanks for all your help tonight. Merry Christmas” “Aww, you’re welcome Kermit, and Merry Christmas, everything will be fine.” said Fozzie!
Kermit was finally going to go talk to Piggy when his nephew Robin ran up to him. “Uncle Kermit, Uncle Kermit!” yelled Robin, “Can I spend the night with Sweetums and wait up with Santa? Sweetums said he’ll let me watch out for Santa while we finish decorating his tree”. Robin was nearly exploding with excitement! “Well, as long as you promise to go to sleep when Sweetums tells you to, you can go” said Kermit while looking at Sweetums, knowing full well that Robin would pass out fairly quickly after playing with Sweetums, who was winking at Kermit. “Aw thanks Uncle Kermit. I’ll be sure to be up bright and early so we can have Christmas morning breakfast together.” When Robin was with Kermit for the holidays, they would always get up fairly early, open presents, and share a breakfast of cricket chip pancakes and the swamp’s famous mosquito nut bread. “I can’t wait”, said Kermit. Robin shared a quick hug with his uncle before running off with Sweetums.
Good Grief, it was happening all over again! He kept trying to talk to Piggy but other things kept getting in the way! Kermit was definitely frustrated and resolved that nothing and no-one else will get in the way of him talking to Piggy and letting her know how sorry he was and how special she was to him. Well, anyone except Piggy- he couldn’t find her! Kermit looked all around Claire’s living and dining room and Piggy was nowhere to be found. She must have headed back to her apartment thought Kermit. He quietly sneaked out of Claire’s place and head to Piggy’s front door.
Kermit stopped in front of Piggy’s door, took a deep breath and knocked. “Piggy? Are you in there?...It’s Kermit, can I come in?” asked Kermit to no answer. When he knocked, the door nudged open; Piggy must have not shut her door when she came back. Kermit waited a bit to see if Piggy would answer. Nothing. Maybe she was in another room? Kermit decided to take his chances and went in. He called for Piggy again in her living room but still no answer. Was she there? Kermit was going to check the rest of Piggy’s apartment when her phone rang. It rang once then automatically went to her voicemail, “Bonjour and Happy Holidays! You have reached the fabulous Miss Piggy, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to talk to vous...I am off spending a romantique holiday with my Kermie! Please leave a message and I will try to find someone to get back to you once I return. Joyeux Noel! Kissy Kissy!” Kermit once again felt worse. Piggy’s machine beeped and Kermit began to listen to the overly excited woman that was leaving a message for Piggy.
“Hi Miss Piggy! Oh my god dear I can’t believe we’re leaving a message on Miss Piggy’s answering machine...oh um...Hi Piggy, this is the Hensan’s. I begged the worker at the travel counter at the airport to tell us who left us such a wonderful gift and I was so excited to hear it was you! We’re the newlywed couple that you gave your airline tickets to the Caribbean to and the reservations at this lovely beach house! When my new husband and I went to the airport, we merely planned to go his parent’s house in Wyoming for our honeymoon because sadly we couldn’t afford to go on our own honeymoon because we used the money we put away to pay for an operation for my husband. Oh Miss Piggy, you are so unbelievably kind and my husband and I wanted to thank you so much for the best Christmas gift we ever received. We hope you and all your Muppet friends have a wonderful Christmas and thank you so much again! Merry Christmas Miss Piggy!” said the new bride while barely holding back tears. Kermit was speechless. Piggy actually never went to the Caribbean at all and she gave their whole trip away to a newlywed couple. Oh Piggy!, thought Kermit. He looked around the room and saw that Piggy must have started to unpack her luggage and tried to decorate her apartment for the holidays, at least partly: there was an open suitcase on a footstool with a black bikini swimsuit laying on top, stockings up on the mantlepiece for both herself and Kermit and a small Christmas tree was lit in the corner, with sparse but cute trimmings.
“I figured that someone should have a romantic getaway in the Caribbean if we couldn’t”, said Piggy as she walked out of her bedroom in a long, luxurious red silk robe. Kermit thought she looked gorgeous as she was rubbing her eyes and tying her robe tight around her. “Oh Piggy, I’m so sorry that we couldn’t spend Christmas together like we planned. I promised you before I promised Gonzo and I feel absolutely terrible. That was a great thing you did giving our trip to that newlywed couple. You’re really amazing you know!” said Kermit as he tried to grab Piggy’s hand. “*sigh* Moi does try.’ said Piggy with a smile. “ I just wish that promises you make to me mean as much to you as promises you make to everyone else. It just doesn’t feel like that a lot of the time” said Piggy as she went to look out her window, thinking that she heard something outside. Don’t get me wrong Kermie, I know it was the right thing for you to go with Gonzo to the North Pole to get those letters to Santa, I just feel like that you always seem to find something else you want to do rather than spend time with me” said Piggy.
“Oh Piggy, I know sometimes it seems like that but I never intended to take you for granted when those other things came up. I never realized what I was doing when I would do whatever anyone else asked me to because I always figured you would understand. I’ve taken you for granted and I’m sorry. I want you to know that I’m really going to try to make sure that now on you know that you are just as important to me as anyone else and I really do want to spend quality time with you this holiday if you can forgive me.” said Kermit earnestly as he stood next to Piggy by the window while holding her hand.
Far away above the skies of Paris, Santa took out a letter that he put in his pocket before he left the North Pole. The letter was purple, smelled of French perfume and was written in a very familiar script. He read the letter one more time: “Santa Dear! Bonjour! Tis Moi, Miss Piggy! I am writing this year to wish you and Mrs. Clause and very merry Christmas! (I hope you got her that lovely necklace from Tiffany’s that I recommended). I would now normally list the few lists of items that I am wishing for this Christmas but this year I do not need to (Of course the occasionally sparkly bauble could never hurt and is always appreciated). I am spending this Christmas with my beloved Kermie in the Caribbean and I am incredibly excited and perfectly happy! There is nothing more that I can ask for this Christmas than to be in Kermie’s arms sharing the warmth of the holiday (among other things). Since Kermie and I have already planned for such sharing, you are officially off the hook (although an engagement ring would be the ultimate icing on the proverbial holiday fruitcake if you know what I mean). Please be safe travelling around the world and thank you for all of the wonderful things you do. If you see Kermie and moi kissing underneath the miseltoe, please feel free to fly on by to your next holiday destination! Merry Christmas Santa Dearie and don’t forget about Mrs. Clause if you don’t want to see my left hook! Love, Miss Piggy”. Santa laughed and smiled as he got a familiar-little twinkle in his eye to spark a little holiday magic.
Back in front of Piggy’s apartment, her window burst open and a gust of icy wind blew in and caught Piggy completely by surprise. She tripped on her robe while trying to get away from the window. She was about to fall flat on her face but Kermit stepped in front of her and caught her arms to keep her from falling. Piggy was suddenly entangled in Kermit’s arms in an awkward form of an embrace and they both could hear a slow version of “All I want for Christmas is You” being played on a saxophone from somewhere outside. Kermit felt that Piggy was a little cold in her silk robe so he held Piggy closer to him and rubbed her arms, hoping to warm her heart as well as her body. “ Oh Kermie!” Piggy looked at him with her precious blue eyes longingly, trying to tell him how true the familiar Christmas tune applied to her at this moment. Both shared a moment of understanding while Kermit closed the small gap between them and kissed Piggy passionately while they both stood in front of her window.
Dr. Teeth went up to Zoot, who started playing while sitting on the ledge of their window of their NY brownstone apartment. “Hey Zoot, what’s with the late-night tunes?” said Dr. Teeth. “I don’t know man, I just saw this twinkle in the sky and I just felt the music man! It just seemed right!” said Zoot “Groovy Zoot, Groovy! Well keep playing those sant-licious yuletide tunes, Happy Holidays man!” said Dr. Teeth as he headed back to bead. Zoot responded with a nod and continued to blow his sax soft and sweet into the starlight.
Piggy spent the rest of the evening snuggled in Kermit’s arms while cuddling on the couch in front of a roaring fire. Kermit was more than content spending his much-desired quality time with Piggy kissing her and holding her close; a perfect end to a wonderful Christmas Eve and the perfect beginning to Christmas. He took a short break from canoodling, looked at Piggy’s beautiful blue eyes while squeezing her extra close. “Merry Christmas Piggy” said Kermit! “Merry Christmas Kermie” said one very happy Miss Piggy.
Santa folded the letter and put it back in his pocket as he continued soaring through the sky, letting out a cheerful Ho Ho Ho as he congratulates himself for another Christmas wish fulfilled. Santa headed in the direction of Tiffany’s to pick up a certain gift for his special-someone and to also avoid one very lethal left hook!
Merry Christmas! May you be surrounded with the warmth of your loved ones this holiday season!
I finally wrote another fan-fic. It's a holiday one-shot and I started it before my law school finals and just finally finished it in the wee hours of Christmas Eve. Anyway I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Merry Christmas everyone, here is "One More Letter"
Even though dinner was over, no one was leaving the table. Everyone was still talking, laughing, flinging the occasional pea across the room (which Rizzo would catch in his mouth before Claire’s mom would notice), and just enjoying each other’s company. Yes, the Muppets were celebrating an unexpected but secretly-wished for Christmas together at Claire’s apartment. Just as it always does, a deck-the-halls disaster turned into a happy holiday with a little chaos, cranky crustacean (hey I’m a King Prawn, h’okay!), but most of all...heart. Kermit watched all his friends from the end of the table and thought about how great it was that he and his friends pulled together to help Gonzo keep a promise to a friend and make Claire’s Christmas wish come true. As he turned his gaze to a certain someone though, he realized that he broke a promise to one friend to help keep another, and breaking a promise never felt good, especially breaking a promise to her.
As everyone finally began to get up from the table, Kermit saw Piggy head to the fireplace after spying something on the mantle. She seemed to be looking at one of the pictures of Claire and her Mom. She picked up the particular frame, let out a little sigh as she put it back on the mantle and wandered towards the Christmas tree. Kermit went over to the mantle to see what made Piggy look so sad. The picture Piggy was looking at was one of Claire and her mom on a beach, in a big hug and smiling. Kermit realized why Piggy wasn’t so cheerful; she was still upset about not spending Christmas in the Caribbean with him.
They had planned their little holiday together for weeks when they realized that everyone was making their own separate plans for Christmas. Kermit’s cousin gave them a great deal on an ocean-front beach house in the Caribbean for the holidays and as the days till Christmas grew shorter, Piggy became more and more excited, kissing Kermit’s cheek every time they passed in the hallway and humming her favorite Christmas carols. Kermit had not seen Piggy so happy in a long time, and though he secretly wished that they would spend the holidays with the whole gang together as always, Kermit was looking forward to a little R &R alone with Piggy.
Kermit was about to go over and talk to Piggy when Gonzo came over to talk to him. “Hey Kermit, I wanted to thank again for helping me out tonight. I don’t know what I would do without a friend like you.” “You’re welcome Gonzo, I’m glad that we gave Claire her Christmas wish.” said Kermit. “Me too”, said Gonzo, “I’m sorry that you had to break your promise to Piggy and miss your Christmas in the Caribbean”. “Me too, I know that Piggy knew it was the right thing to do, but she really was looking forward to our little trip together, I hope I can make it up to her”, said Kermit with a sigh. “I’m sure everything will work out” said Gonzo. “You two have always managed to work things out before, it’ll be fine. Well I better go say goodnight to Claire and head back to my place for some well-needed shut eye, Merry Christmas Kermit”, said Gonzo as he hugged his friend. “Thanks Gonzo and a Merry Christmas to you too.” said Kermit.
Kermit once again tried to find Piggy to talk to her, but was stopped by Fozzie. “Hey Kermit, great party right? I’m so glad that we are all together for the holidays, things couldn’t have turned out better”, said Fozzie with a great big smile. “Well, maybe things could have turned out a little better” said Kermit as he watched Piggy swat Pepe after he was trying to put some of his smooth moves on Claire’s mom. Fozzie looked over and finally understood why Kermit wasn’t so chipper. “Oh, well I know that Piggy knows that it was the right thing to do for you to go to the North Pole, even though it messed up your plans together, and she’s always understood every other time” said Fozzie. “What do you mean, ‘other times’?” asked Kermit. “All the other times that you have cancelled stuff with Piggy to take care of something else. She’s always understood before and you guys always seem to make up, and I’m sure you guys will again, especially for the holidays” said Fozzie reassuringly. Kermit was looking back into the past and realized that he did tend to do other things instead of things with Piggy- something always seemed to come up and Piggy always seemed to be the one left by the wayside. Fozzie didn’t mean to but Kermit definitely felt worse. “Thanks Fozzie, I hope you’re right” said Kermit with very little confidence. Fozzie gave his friend a big pat on the back, “Go talk to Piggy, I’ll make sure everyone is cleaning up and getting ready to head out so Claire and her mom can go to bed.” “Thanks Fozzie” said Kermit “I know I can always count on you. Thanks for all your help tonight. Merry Christmas” “Aww, you’re welcome Kermit, and Merry Christmas, everything will be fine.” said Fozzie!
Kermit was finally going to go talk to Piggy when his nephew Robin ran up to him. “Uncle Kermit, Uncle Kermit!” yelled Robin, “Can I spend the night with Sweetums and wait up with Santa? Sweetums said he’ll let me watch out for Santa while we finish decorating his tree”. Robin was nearly exploding with excitement! “Well, as long as you promise to go to sleep when Sweetums tells you to, you can go” said Kermit while looking at Sweetums, knowing full well that Robin would pass out fairly quickly after playing with Sweetums, who was winking at Kermit. “Aw thanks Uncle Kermit. I’ll be sure to be up bright and early so we can have Christmas morning breakfast together.” When Robin was with Kermit for the holidays, they would always get up fairly early, open presents, and share a breakfast of cricket chip pancakes and the swamp’s famous mosquito nut bread. “I can’t wait”, said Kermit. Robin shared a quick hug with his uncle before running off with Sweetums.
Good Grief, it was happening all over again! He kept trying to talk to Piggy but other things kept getting in the way! Kermit was definitely frustrated and resolved that nothing and no-one else will get in the way of him talking to Piggy and letting her know how sorry he was and how special she was to him. Well, anyone except Piggy- he couldn’t find her! Kermit looked all around Claire’s living and dining room and Piggy was nowhere to be found. She must have headed back to her apartment thought Kermit. He quietly sneaked out of Claire’s place and head to Piggy’s front door.
Kermit stopped in front of Piggy’s door, took a deep breath and knocked. “Piggy? Are you in there?...It’s Kermit, can I come in?” asked Kermit to no answer. When he knocked, the door nudged open; Piggy must have not shut her door when she came back. Kermit waited a bit to see if Piggy would answer. Nothing. Maybe she was in another room? Kermit decided to take his chances and went in. He called for Piggy again in her living room but still no answer. Was she there? Kermit was going to check the rest of Piggy’s apartment when her phone rang. It rang once then automatically went to her voicemail, “Bonjour and Happy Holidays! You have reached the fabulous Miss Piggy, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to talk to vous...I am off spending a romantique holiday with my Kermie! Please leave a message and I will try to find someone to get back to you once I return. Joyeux Noel! Kissy Kissy!” Kermit once again felt worse. Piggy’s machine beeped and Kermit began to listen to the overly excited woman that was leaving a message for Piggy.
“Hi Miss Piggy! Oh my god dear I can’t believe we’re leaving a message on Miss Piggy’s answering machine...oh um...Hi Piggy, this is the Hensan’s. I begged the worker at the travel counter at the airport to tell us who left us such a wonderful gift and I was so excited to hear it was you! We’re the newlywed couple that you gave your airline tickets to the Caribbean to and the reservations at this lovely beach house! When my new husband and I went to the airport, we merely planned to go his parent’s house in Wyoming for our honeymoon because sadly we couldn’t afford to go on our own honeymoon because we used the money we put away to pay for an operation for my husband. Oh Miss Piggy, you are so unbelievably kind and my husband and I wanted to thank you so much for the best Christmas gift we ever received. We hope you and all your Muppet friends have a wonderful Christmas and thank you so much again! Merry Christmas Miss Piggy!” said the new bride while barely holding back tears. Kermit was speechless. Piggy actually never went to the Caribbean at all and she gave their whole trip away to a newlywed couple. Oh Piggy!, thought Kermit. He looked around the room and saw that Piggy must have started to unpack her luggage and tried to decorate her apartment for the holidays, at least partly: there was an open suitcase on a footstool with a black bikini swimsuit laying on top, stockings up on the mantlepiece for both herself and Kermit and a small Christmas tree was lit in the corner, with sparse but cute trimmings.
“I figured that someone should have a romantic getaway in the Caribbean if we couldn’t”, said Piggy as she walked out of her bedroom in a long, luxurious red silk robe. Kermit thought she looked gorgeous as she was rubbing her eyes and tying her robe tight around her. “Oh Piggy, I’m so sorry that we couldn’t spend Christmas together like we planned. I promised you before I promised Gonzo and I feel absolutely terrible. That was a great thing you did giving our trip to that newlywed couple. You’re really amazing you know!” said Kermit as he tried to grab Piggy’s hand. “*sigh* Moi does try.’ said Piggy with a smile. “ I just wish that promises you make to me mean as much to you as promises you make to everyone else. It just doesn’t feel like that a lot of the time” said Piggy as she went to look out her window, thinking that she heard something outside. Don’t get me wrong Kermie, I know it was the right thing for you to go with Gonzo to the North Pole to get those letters to Santa, I just feel like that you always seem to find something else you want to do rather than spend time with me” said Piggy.
“Oh Piggy, I know sometimes it seems like that but I never intended to take you for granted when those other things came up. I never realized what I was doing when I would do whatever anyone else asked me to because I always figured you would understand. I’ve taken you for granted and I’m sorry. I want you to know that I’m really going to try to make sure that now on you know that you are just as important to me as anyone else and I really do want to spend quality time with you this holiday if you can forgive me.” said Kermit earnestly as he stood next to Piggy by the window while holding her hand.
Far away above the skies of Paris, Santa took out a letter that he put in his pocket before he left the North Pole. The letter was purple, smelled of French perfume and was written in a very familiar script. He read the letter one more time: “Santa Dear! Bonjour! Tis Moi, Miss Piggy! I am writing this year to wish you and Mrs. Clause and very merry Christmas! (I hope you got her that lovely necklace from Tiffany’s that I recommended). I would now normally list the few lists of items that I am wishing for this Christmas but this year I do not need to (Of course the occasionally sparkly bauble could never hurt and is always appreciated). I am spending this Christmas with my beloved Kermie in the Caribbean and I am incredibly excited and perfectly happy! There is nothing more that I can ask for this Christmas than to be in Kermie’s arms sharing the warmth of the holiday (among other things). Since Kermie and I have already planned for such sharing, you are officially off the hook (although an engagement ring would be the ultimate icing on the proverbial holiday fruitcake if you know what I mean). Please be safe travelling around the world and thank you for all of the wonderful things you do. If you see Kermie and moi kissing underneath the miseltoe, please feel free to fly on by to your next holiday destination! Merry Christmas Santa Dearie and don’t forget about Mrs. Clause if you don’t want to see my left hook! Love, Miss Piggy”. Santa laughed and smiled as he got a familiar-little twinkle in his eye to spark a little holiday magic.
Back in front of Piggy’s apartment, her window burst open and a gust of icy wind blew in and caught Piggy completely by surprise. She tripped on her robe while trying to get away from the window. She was about to fall flat on her face but Kermit stepped in front of her and caught her arms to keep her from falling. Piggy was suddenly entangled in Kermit’s arms in an awkward form of an embrace and they both could hear a slow version of “All I want for Christmas is You” being played on a saxophone from somewhere outside. Kermit felt that Piggy was a little cold in her silk robe so he held Piggy closer to him and rubbed her arms, hoping to warm her heart as well as her body. “ Oh Kermie!” Piggy looked at him with her precious blue eyes longingly, trying to tell him how true the familiar Christmas tune applied to her at this moment. Both shared a moment of understanding while Kermit closed the small gap between them and kissed Piggy passionately while they both stood in front of her window.
Dr. Teeth went up to Zoot, who started playing while sitting on the ledge of their window of their NY brownstone apartment. “Hey Zoot, what’s with the late-night tunes?” said Dr. Teeth. “I don’t know man, I just saw this twinkle in the sky and I just felt the music man! It just seemed right!” said Zoot “Groovy Zoot, Groovy! Well keep playing those sant-licious yuletide tunes, Happy Holidays man!” said Dr. Teeth as he headed back to bead. Zoot responded with a nod and continued to blow his sax soft and sweet into the starlight.
Piggy spent the rest of the evening snuggled in Kermit’s arms while cuddling on the couch in front of a roaring fire. Kermit was more than content spending his much-desired quality time with Piggy kissing her and holding her close; a perfect end to a wonderful Christmas Eve and the perfect beginning to Christmas. He took a short break from canoodling, looked at Piggy’s beautiful blue eyes while squeezing her extra close. “Merry Christmas Piggy” said Kermit! “Merry Christmas Kermie” said one very happy Miss Piggy.
Santa folded the letter and put it back in his pocket as he continued soaring through the sky, letting out a cheerful Ho Ho Ho as he congratulates himself for another Christmas wish fulfilled. Santa headed in the direction of Tiffany’s to pick up a certain gift for his special-someone and to also avoid one very lethal left hook!
Merry Christmas! May you be surrounded with the warmth of your loved ones this holiday season!