Page 15: Eerie Laughter.
Rushing through the halls, down the stairs, over the whole castle... Another night was coming, it's black folds felt throughout the towers and upon the innermost walls. Chuckles came... A sort of echoing laughter—noone able to discern its origin. Known as somewhat of a heckler, the skull faced mask merely maneuvered the currents and corridors until landing upon his resting spot. Drawstring loop knotted and drawn into a ponytail behind him, this new haunter crossed both arms beneath as he delighted in observing the goings-on plastered where he was on the Castle Atrium's second floor balcony—overhanging and overlooking the lower landing. Twisting wrists out from under his ringling red-rung sleeves, a fossilized 15 flung off to join the totaled tokens. Were it not for Batty's deft dodging, this would have crashed or crushed the numbered knickknacks. Eerie scowled before grinning that mischievous mask's signature gleefully ghastly grin... His laughter bounding off the walls while another storm simply fled the scene.