And as I've said before, I really don't think that these guys with these bigger channels even realize just how much of a struggle it is for smaller channels to even try to grow because of how YouTube screws its users over. I once spoke with the Baracksdubs guy (he presently lives in my area, but apparently he's pulling a zefrank and is "selling out" and moving to L.A.), and we got to talking about building up viewership and what have, and I explained to him some of the struggles I've had with my channel, but I don't think he fully comprehended that YouTube limits growth for smaller channels more so while they allow the bigger channels to keep growing and growing. Again, tags are practically dead for small channels: yes, they're still there, and yes, you can still add tags to your videos, but if you're under a certain number of subscribers, your tags won't even be picked up by the search results, which really hurts growth for small channels because people aren't finding your videos or your channel. Now that I've just recently passed 100 subscribers, I'm now able to "brand" my channel (which means I can watermark my videos rather than actually add one myself when editing), but there's still certain other features that are being withheld until I reach 100,000 subscribers (that ain't gonna happen, lol).
But again, it just seems a little pretentious that these bigger channels are talking about these issues and being affected by them when it's really the smaller channels that are being affected by this, and have been for a long time now. Heck, just last week when it was that Casey Neistat guy who was doing something similar, I tried to use it as an opportunity to speak out about these issues and raise awareness of them . . . next thing I know, I got a few trolls out there that hunted my channel down to dislike videos and spam comments accusing me of accusing him of stealing subscribers away from me and all that crap, so I mean it's like . . .
Now here's PewDiePie speaking out about these same issues, and suddenly people are talking about how more awareness needs to be raised to bring this to people's attention . . . uh gee, yeah, I've been doing that for years and just get brushed off for it. I guess even on the internet, you have to have clout for people to listen to you.