First of all, threads change and evolve(oops am I getting too contriversal for you???), just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not allowed to happen. Now, "Faith can make a person ignorant" is another quote from a rather "Good" book. Look it up. Also, no one attacked a religion or a belife, only mother thereasa's standing. Secondly, "instances" as you call it, is not what I was talking about. I stated that the Bible does not state itself that suffering will bring you closer to god. Now on to the thief. His suffering did not bring him closer to god, so no points there. Also, the story regarding the others crusified alongside Jesus are debated. The are several different accounts by each apostle, and three different types of accounts. Firstly, two thiefs, one was saved. Then there is the report of two thiefs and neither were saved. And Third, Jesus was crusified alone, absolutely no one was executed alongside him. Oh yeah and you quote of "let's try to keep this thread on the topic of Paris Hilton in the role of Mother Theresa. Religious beliefs are very personal and we should all respect what others believe without pushing our beliefs unto others.". Why don't you try and not force your faschist beliefs on this thread.