I dunno, for me, 70-100 is hot. I like my cold because I'm white and I'm pale like a ghost.
Same here, I'm just sayin'. . . .
But yeah, for me, not only that, but also my condition (rosacea) - the heat is one of the things that triggers it.
Take a drink every time Alex uses the word "privilege".
- Take a sip everytime he talks about drugs
- Take
two sips if he happens to be high while talking about drugs
- Take a shot everytime he talks about one of his waifus
- Take
two shots if it's Coco Bandicoot he's talking about
- Take a shot whenever he eats popcorn during a heated discussion
- Take a shot whenever he invokes Independent logic by saying both conservatives and liberals are just as bad as the other
- Take a chug if he actually makes a funny video, meme, or recording about conservatives vs. liberals
- Take a chug if he makes a Wandy Newman reference
- Take a chug if he records a random song of randomness
- Take a
gulp if he records a fake Wandy Newman song
- Finish your drink if he makes a MST3K reference
- Finish the entire bottle if he tags you in a post that's related to any of the above mentioned
Enjoy your alcohol poisoning!