That's totally true, before we get into the whole attacking Disney thing agian. Come on people Disney ain't doing nothing to hurt the Muppets and even if were like it or not it's theirs now, so they are entitled to whatever they want to do with the Muppets.MWoO said:Well it's not like Henson released tons of video games either.
And I thought having Halloween Town as a level was a dream come true. I love Kindom hearts. I beat it! But if they had a game with a muppet level, THAT would be a fantasy come trueJJandJanice said:But anyhow since Disney does own the Muppets, maybe we'll see the Muppets in the Kingdom Hearts series. I can see like a level of Muppet treasure island, where you as Sora help Kermit take on the pirate Heartless along with Mad Monty, Clueless Mogan and Polly Lobster or maybe you can call on like Animal to beat the Heartless with his drum sticks or maybe Animal can take out the Heartless with a huge bang on his Bass drum.
Just an idea.
No, but there were quite a few Muppet video games made between 2000 and 2004, and I beleive that henson did make a deal with some video game company to make soem Muppet games for gamecube, Playstation, and Game Boy Advance (and possibly other systems) around the time of the 25th anniversary (or it could have been a yera later, I forget).MWoO said:Well it's not like Henson released tons of video games either.
Yeah I'm a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan as well, so it was great seeing Jack, Sally and the Halloween Town in that game. But I loved the game Kingdom Hearts (and I'm not really a huge RPG fan myself), so to be honset when I frist heard about Disney buying out the Muppets, that was one of the frist things to pop in my head. Kingdom Hearts with Muppets, man that would be great. Come on, if they could muscle in Winnie the Pooh into a game like that, why not the Muppets. Man it would be great, a total dream level I must say.Sgt Floyd said:And I thought having Halloween Town as a level was a dream come true. I love Kindom hearts. I beat it! But if they had a game with a muppet level, THAT would be a fantasy come true![]()
I just realsied... Some of the video game sin my april fools day thread about video games were actually these ones that I described. I wonder if anybody remembered reading about those ideas when I posted the april fools day thread. Talk about irony. And I'd completely forgotten that I posted this here.There are two ideas that I have thought of recently.
ONe would be a game where Bunsen invents an alternate demension, and as soon as he unleases it, a creature form that demension kidnaps Beaker, and as a cool twist, players cna choose to play as either Bunsen, who must rescue Beaker, or play as Beaker, who escapes. When playing as Beaker, it's like playing the game backwards. Beaker would have to defeat a main boss at the beginning of the first level (maybe it could be easier for Beaker to beat him than for Bunsen to). So there are two patterns, in opposite order. I don't think any game like this has ever been done. And I would want it to be a scroll screen game, so when Beaker plays, the game would actually scroll to the right, instead of the left. Perhaps many of the levels can have main bosses halfway through the levels, or multiple main bosses throughout eahc level (or appearing at random times, so they can battle the hero at the same point in the game without it being odd that the boss is at the beginning). When playing as Beaker, one big difference is that the character who kidnapped Beaker would return at the end of his last level, which would be the beginning of Bunsen's first level, but Bunsen wouldn't fight him at the beginning.
A Muppet Labs game for the DS would also be good, with many mini-games where the players could test inventions on Beaker.
Another idea would include Gonzo's species (maybe not his family, but the same alien species) attempting to take over the world by turning all earthlings into being just like their species. Howeve,r this wouldn't effect Gonzo, since he is part of that species, and the others apear to be so weird that Gonzo appears normal, and decides to save the world and bring his friends back to normal.