I dunno...apparently during Nintendo's E3 conferences which were actually held at Best Buy, they sent people to talk down about the Wii U and harass people to buy the X box. Needless to say, those people were thrown out. A lot of people thought it was just some elaborate hoax but when there's someone at every single best buy holding the event something didn't add up.
Either Microsoft are the biggest idiots in the world or are criminal masterminds.
Still, I've never had interest in the x box. I like my violent gore filled games as much as the next person, but Sony also has exclusives like Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, cute cartoony platformers. The X Box has nothing but shooters for their exclusives and I really don't like shooters. They are all the same. and the few shooters i would give the time of day are multi platform anyway.
(Though give me a game where you're an overpowered mutant bent on destruction any day and I'll be happy. I still need to buy Prototype and Infamous 2...Protype you're a shapeshifter who can also absorb NPC and change into them as well as grow all kinds of weapons from your body. You absorb humans and monsters for health. Infamous you can either be a hero or villain and you have electric powers......I wanna say they are both exclusives, but Infamous I know for sure is. Like...even the games on the PS3 are more creative than cut n paste shooters)