I like the clever ways the writers come up with "hiding" Springfield's actual location. Whenever it's about to be revealed, a character will interrupt, or block our view if they're looking at a map.
Lisa: Everybody knows Springfield's right here (points to map)
(Bart immediately enters, the back of his head filling the frame)
Bart: Hey, what's everybody doing?
The teasers and trailer look good so far...
The one with Homer sitting on the couch in his underwear, wearing a too-tight Superman t-shirt...
V/O: The Simpsons Movie! Coming July 2007!
Homer: Uh-oh, we'd better get started.
The one that opens with a Pixar-like bunny frolicking, only to be crushed by the logo THE SIMPSONS MOVIE...Moe sticks his head out of one of the letters...
Moe: In 2-D! (looks down at crushed bunny) Uh...the bunny's not movin'...
Then we cut to Homer literally stuck between a rock and a Hard Place...
I saw the trailer on TV. Looks fun. Cast of thousands!