Please tell me that Beauregard is in it.
Um, I am persuming that the EM are in, so that is 5, unless Lips is in with the mayhem in which case it would be 6.
S & W make 2 more
Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter, Pepe, Rawlf, and Harry must be there. That's 8
17 guessed, so far...
IS there a penguin and a chicken? 2
Bunsen and Beeker. 2
Phil Van Neuter, and Bobo. 2
23 guessed...
Lew Zealand has got to be there. Will he have a fish? 2
Rizzo, obviously. 1
Link and Strangepork? 2
Johnny and Sal.
30 nearly there.
Angus. 1
Uncle Deadly? 1
Swdish Chef. 1
33, that's my gueses, can you confirm any of them?
Also, how much will this cost