New Muppet books to tie in with the movie on the way!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I will definitely be purchasing a DS game if they make it. I reallly wanted to like the GBA games, but they were essentially slapdash mini games(I did love the pinball one though)

I also will be buying any illustrated books or official Disney magazines...just, I can't see myself buying a gradeschool reader book. Heck, truth be told...I still buy new Sesame illustrated books(usually only a buck at Target) as there's something about the illustrations I've found enduring since I started reading them many years ago
Well i loved Muppet Race mania, but really didnt care to much for Muppet Monsters on ps1.
I think i will buy the joke book for sure, I think the first to on the list is kind of like a profile book on the diffrent Muppets, and if i dont know the Muppets profies by now then I have seriously got a problem on my hand.