Docnzhoss said:
So someone likes Back to the Future better than Star Wars. Big Whoop. I like them both though the original Star Wars trilogy is far superior and arguably the greatest trilogy of all time. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and if someone wants to take Marty McFly and Doc Brown over Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan, let 'em. That's one less person to have to fight for SW merch, dyaknowwhatImean?
I do Ryan,show's our age also,doyathink,LOL.

I like both trilogies too,they do have their differences,which is a good thing.Hopefully,Sith will be more memorable to me,then the other ones.Having a photographic mind,usually only takes on watching to get a movie,two at the most.Can't remember that much of the new SW flicks except for: a pod race,Yoda's awesome fight scene in II,Jar Jar.That's about it,the rest is a blur.