It's termed as a documentary but it isn't in actual documentary form. A documentary follows a subject for a specific length of time as the subject unfolds itself. F 9/11 is heavily edited and interspliced outside of actual timeline. It's meant to show U.S. reaction and response to 9/11, and edited in such a way as to portray George Bush and his Administration as utter buffoons in the face of the attack.
Now, no matter where anyone's politics lie, and I want to emphasize those words, it is crucial that viewers not take the film as gospel truth and make decisions based solely upon it, going back to a point I made in the voting thread about availing oneself of as wide an array of information as possible.
One of the most prominent criticisms about that day is that Bush 43 sat for seven minutes in the Texas classroom after the first plane hit in New York. It has been utterly lost in the furor that everyone in this country, EVERYONE, including Washington, thought there had been an accident. An ACCIDENT. They needed time to assess what was going on.
They are criticized for disappearing with the President into the closed airspace for many hours. This was in fact a brilliant and correct move. Would ANYONE have flown willingly into Washington at that moment, into the tiger's waiting mouth? Think about it. I don't think so.
We have mechanisms in this country for emergency situations which are designed to preserve a working, functioning government through even the worst situations imaginable. I was GRATEFUL, on that awful, awful day, that they had the sheer common sense to disappear.
And, no matter how people feel about Michael Moore and his work, whether or not they agree with him, he's a brilliant person whose talents I feel would be best used in other ways. He could be doing so much positive and beneficial work, but he chooses instead to do damaging work that makes him millions and millions and millions of dollars. He is laughing all the way to the bank and I think it's a shame. He said, smiling, on the air, about the negative response to his presence at the Republican convention, that in doing so they had "just made me 20 million more dollars" by drawing attention to him and his film. I find this to be callous, in poor taste, and an insult to the victims of September 11. Much of this film has now been thoroughly debunked including by many respected print journalists but it doesn't seem to matter. Truth and fact don't seem to hold much interest for people anymore, and that disturbs me greatly.
A lot of things were done right on 9/11, but that's been forgotten and ignored by many, many people. 20,000 people got out of those towers ALIVE, and a small group of brave young men on a plane in Pennsylvania gave their lives for us, and to save Washington. I think that's a miracle. I will go to my grave believing that we handled a cowardly, disgusting, low, heartbreaking sneak attack on civilians as well as could possibly be handled. And I would say that REGARDLESS of which party happened to have had to handle it.