Hello all... I just now registered to the Muppet Central Form. The only guess I have is; WHY HAVE I NOT DONE THIS SOONER?
Just this afternoon my daughter, co-workers, and I were talking about the beloved 80's and, of course, the Muppet's and Fraggle Rock came up. My daughter, only being 12, didn't who/what Fraggle Rock was. It made me sad cause there is nothing better then FR. So, like the good Mom the I am, I jumped online so she could see them and then I was going to order them fom NetFlix. However, that is when I saw the forum to help bring them on to DVD (that is my next stop). That made me REALLY sad.
Anyways, I thought I would share my little moment with you. I plan to visit regularly and hope that FR is soon brought to DVD. SOON!