I know this sounds very cliche, but I AM probably the BIGGEST muppet finatic there is in the entire world! I am probably thinking about the muppets every moment of the day! I just love them so much. (So much I find myself crying sometimes when I wish I could meet them) My favorite muppets right NOW would have to be (I know it's cliche too but) Kermit and Walter. In fact, frog or not, I would DEFINITELY marry him. He has jut about the sweetest, loving, and caring personality out there, and I just love the magic that Jim and Steve put into him. I often find myself gazing with love eyes, into a "piece of felt material". Ahaha, and my favorite Sesame Street Muppets are Ernie, and Prarie Dawn. I basically own almost every piece of Muppet merchandice that there is. I love to be kind and help my friends, ( although when stirred up I can be a real Diva), and I am 13 years old. My life goal, Is the one day be that one to work with the muppets. I also want a career in acting