WARNING: Long-winded Muppet Freak Introduction!
My name is Heather, 35, a
proud Navy wife and mother of one son, a 10-year-old cat named Davey Jones, and two daughters - Kate, who just turned 4 and Kennedy, who is almost 2. Both girls ADORE the Muppets, but it looks like Kennedy (nick-named Keeks) will be as freaked about them as her mom. She, of course, can't talk yet - and can rarely get a word in edgewise with her chatterbox big sister - but has named her favourite thing in the world "Meat". Yep, that's Keek-Speak for Kermit-the-Frog!
And, what started ME on the Road To Kermit? I've always wanted to share this story with someone who would understand, and I think I may have found that forum HERE.

Bear with me. . . I have a baby sister, Kate, who is 13 months younger than me. We spent our early childhood in Bellevue, Washington. Unfortunately, our parents split when we were little, but both our mom and our dad never spoke ill of the other (and my mom had PLENTY of opportunities since she raised us alone while my dad married his mistress!). My mom is an incredible person and my dad was my hero. He still is, in my heart, but we lost him to some MAJOR lung cancer buddies this past May. Whoops - off the subject!
So, if you can believe this, my sister and I both grew up relatively normal. We both loved the Muppets, but I went past the Love Stage and into the Freak Stage, while my sister stayed sane. When we were older, my mom told us about the divorce, Dad's mistress, and all that crud, but she also told us about their last fight. She said that they knew it was over, but they both didn't want us to have to listen to them arguing and ripping apart their family. Are you ready for this?
THEY STAGED THEIR LAST FIGHT WHILE THE MUPPETS WERE ON TV! Mom said she wanted to be sure that we would pay attention to the show and not the fight.
Okay, so writing it down and seeing it spelled out just doesn't do it justice, but it meant a lot to me. I've always wished I could send the Henson's a thank you card for helping us through what should have been the worst night in our young lives, but that sounds so LAME. And, maybe it sounds lame to the rest of the Muppet Central folks, but that's my story. . . And my husband and I thoroughly enjoy sharing the Muppets - from today and long ago - with our girls.
Thanks for letting me ramble!