Hey folks! The name's Ai and I'm what you'd call an old new member. Used to be pretty active here back in the day, but then life, college, and other stuff happened and I made like the Avatar and vanished. (So did my fics but in retrospect, that's probably for the better.) That said, I'm planning to dive back into the world of fanfic and muppety goodness and I'm wicked excited about the new series with Josh Gad! I had...some issues with the 2015 series but for the most part, I did enjoy it, especially the second half, and I would've liked to see where it went from there. Ah well, what can ya do?
Uhhh...what else? I'm still a massive bookworm, animation junkie, and history nerd. I work full-time and I have a big German Shepherd who is my baby. Anyway, that's about it! I'm off to the fic section now! Adios!