Welcome in Traveller, Scooters Jacket, and Emilia!!
Ahem. *rustling Official Entry Papers*

News Flash! Numerous fans who have loved the MC board for years, as well as total newbies, have been infected by a
mysterious virus which
compels them to sign up as
actual board members! We at Muppet News have been strenuously tracking the origin of said virus, and it appears to have originated in a neglected supply cabinet in the back corner of Muppet Labs, behind the mini-fridge with the door missing. Er...when contacted for comment, Dr Bunsen Honeydew said only, quote: "Oh dear! Beaker, look! THAT'S where the streptofannus forumatorius specimen went to!" His assistant Beaker had a bit more to say, telling this reporter: "MEEP meep, mee mee meep, meep MEEP mee mee meep!"
The virus itself has refused to speak to reporters. Negotiations to have it registered as on official fan-bringing tool are reportedly underway, although forum mod The Count claims he's never heard of, quote, "anything so ridiculous."
In summary, welcome in to all new members. Please report to the Lab for inoculation against falling cows. ...What? They have a shot for that now? Great! I should --
Agh! Ow....