Hello fellow muppet peeps!
I'm a new member here, so I thought I'd go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Ross and I live in Fort Smith, Arkansas. I've been a fan of the Muppets all of my life. Being born in 1980 I was pretty much raised on them! The Fraggles are obviously my favorite Muppets.. something about the show captured me as a child and still does to this day.
The hardest part about being a young fraggle fan was the inaccessibility of the show! I didn't have HBO, but thank goodness my grandparents did. I don't remember when I started watching, but I know we had to schedule special trips to the grandparents so I could watch! Was it Sunday nights that it came on? I was only 5 or 6 so I don't remember. I do remember my family putting up with my obsession though. If I saw anything Fraggle I had to have it! I sang the songs and listened to the cassettes over and over.
I'll never forget when I opened my Christmas presents the year I got the Red and Gobo Hasbro Softies. My cousin got Wembley. We played with those dolls til they literally fell to pieces. We took them everywhere! I recently found Red, Gobo, and Uncle Matt (Hasbro versions) on eBay and luckily grabbed them up. It was surreal opening the packages to see them again! The last time I'd seen mine they barely had faces left! My mom had to do a face transplant on poor Gobo after a dog got a hold of him. It was a bit traumatic as you can imagine. It's wonderful to have them again! I also won a Mokey Hasbro Softie tonight! Someone was selling her, Boober, and Wembley in their original boxes... argh I just didn't bid high or fast enough to win them. Broke my heart.
Anyway, now at 25 I'm thrilled to be finding more people with the same love for all things Muppets and Fraggles. Alot of my friends say, "oh yeah I like them too." but none of them quite understand the magic that the Fraggles bring to me.. it's nice to find people out there that get it on that level! The release of the new Sababa plushes and the Season 1 and 2 DVD's have been wonderful!! I couldn't be happier. We've waited long enough, right?
Other than a Henson fanatic, I'm currently taking a break from school and working in retail to pay off loans and such. I'm studying music education and have been performing with symphonic and marching bands for the past 13 years. I play many instruments, but my main two have been trumpet and clarinet. I also compose and am working on getting my first big piece for symphonic band published! I can honestly say that my deep love and passion for all things music is rooted in my childhood. The Fraggles music was rich, deep, and beautiful.. unlike much of the music in other "kiddy" shows.. it never talked down to us. I know this show helped shape me into who I am today!
So perhaps I went on a bit too much.. I apologize! I'm just very excited to be a part of this forum and meeting other people who have the same level of appreciation for the world of Muppets that I always have and always will. I hope you found this.. interesting or entertaining at least!