Thought I'd post a few of my fun memories from TEC:
----- Morgan Freeman in a tub. Skip Hannant's voice says,"Hello sir, I see you are in a tub." Morgan says, "No, I am in a tube." "But I can see you are in a tub." "I am in a tube." "Tub." "Tube." Finally, Morgan stands up showing that he has a black inner tube around his waist. So he was in a tube in a tub!
----- Rita Moreno aims to throw a pie at a man.
Man: You wouldn't.
Rita: I would.
Man: You couldn't
Rita: (Laughs) I could.
Man: You shouldn't.
Rita: I should. (Throws pie and it freezes in the air a few inches in front of the man's face).
Man: You didn't. (Then the pie hits him).
Rita: (Laughing) I did!
----- The "Who is it?" "It's the plummer. I've come to fix the sink." skit.
----- The "We are out of sweet rolls." skit
----- The S words on the bedroom wall in shadowy figures (A ship? A shark! Sheep. A shovel? .... ) Morgan Freeman was in this.
----- Morgan Freeman and Bill Cosby battling each other for who can come up with the most ch words (chimpanzee, Chattanooga Choo Choo, charge, cheers...) At the end Bill Cosby turns around and on the back of his shirt it says, "Champ".
----- Morgan Freeman and woman watching a chess game and using both the conjunction way of saying things and vice versa.
"Who is winning?" "Who's winning? He is winning." "He's winning. It is over." "It's over." "Let's play checkers."
----- "Which way did that guy go?" "He went left." "Left?" "Right." "Well which is is it?"
----- All those spidermans, lettermans, Rita Moreno as the frantic movie deirector, and "A very short book" segments.
I really enjoyed the Very Short Books. Remember one that went:
Humpty Dumpty sat on wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses
And all the king's men
Had scrambled eggs for breakfast the next morning. (And I think Morgan Freeman is shown saying, "Pass the salt, sir.")
And there's a lot more but wanted to do a few for fun, and in advance of the upcoming dvds. Be interesting to see how many are included. Probably will get to see a lot of the Very Short books, which is great.