Need Help identifying Muppet Babies Train Set


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
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I have a train set (incomplete) that I am having alot of trouble finding any info on, maybe some of you experts can help me. It has a copyright of Ha! 1989. It has yellow/orange track in which you can plug in 4 different activity centers: a ferris wheel, swings under a red and white top with yellow propeller, a rotating teedertawder (not spelled right), and a thing I don't know what it is but it has a crocodile in water. All of these centers have places to put the small muppet babies. And as the train goes around the track it gets stopped at these centers and the train wheels power them up making them rotate, when you want the train to proceed you push a red button on the track and the train goes to the next center. I don't have the train for the set and everything else is pretty incomplete. Maybe one of you hardcore Muppet fans can help me identify what this is, so that I may start to hunt out the missing parts and complete the set. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Apr 19, 2006
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All I can find on Ebay (current and past auctions) is a very similiar trainset, but they all have disney characters (not muppet babies) and the 4 activity centers are different (but of a similiar style - train makes the activity centers rotate). I tried all the searches on Ebay I can think of, but still come up with nothing. Thanks for your reply.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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Tyco made a Sesame Street Amusement Park(1994) that has a ferris wheel,rocket ride, ramp,windmill, and train track.Maybe Tyco made a Muppet Babies Amusement Park? Are you sure that the parts you have are all from the one toy?Maybe only part of it might be a muppet toy that didnt come from a train set and the other bits might be from something else?


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
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First, thank you for all the help, I really appreciate it. Now to get back to the thread...I believe that all the pieces are supposed to be together because I bought them all from the same thrift store and they all showed up at the same time. Also, the 4 activity centers are all marked Ha! 1989, so they obviously go together. The reason I think it is a train set is because they came with a track that the activity centers plug into. This is the Ebay item number (6048239782 - use advanced search in completed items) from a very similiar Disney character train set that uses very similiar activity centers (but they are different). My set has an MB sticker on one of the activity centers (I'm guessing that stands for Muppet Babies). Another activity center has 4 Muppet Baby pictures on it: Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzy the Bear, and Ralph the Dog. Another activity center has what looks like 3 sock characters (red, orange, green) with eyes on them. This also came with 8 muppet baby figures that fit perfectly into the activity center seats. One more thing, the track is the same track as in the completed Ebay auction that I mentioned above and it is marked Playmates. I would love to find out what this is, so that I know what I am looking for when trying to complete it - since I have never seen this set before - even on Ebay. Again, thank you all for the help.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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I see the track is all on a flat ground so it's not the same as the Amusement Park set.MB could be Milton Bradley, a division of Hasbro.Is the lettering pink and blue? Maybe you could contact Hasbro customer service for help.Good luck.


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
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The MB is blue with a pink banner behind it. I also found out that Ha! stands for Henson Associates Inc., so it is definately MB for Muppet Babies. I found this on the web:

"The company was originally founded as Muppets, Inc. The name was later changed to Henson Associates (commonly abbreviated ha!), then to Jim Henson Productions in 1988, and its present name in the late 1990s."

I also found a small boat today, it is marked Ha! 1989 also. The boat has room for one figure, in the front. It has a single yellow sail with red exterior. The boat appears to be filled with white bubbles or suds and there is also a blue and white sticker on it with pictures of bubbles and either clouds or more suds. On the bottom of the boat there is a single wheel in the center and when pushed it makes a "bubble ball", located on the back of the boat, rotate.

This is getting more confusing by the minute. Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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You sure find some rare items.It has me stumped.Might be a fast food premium?There was a larger Muppet Babies Showboat, but that had a few characters on that.Jim Henson had a lot of Muppet Company names.Apart from what you have mentioned, there was also Hi(Henson International),HIT(Henson International Television),HE(Henson Enterprises),HEP(Henson Electronic Products),HO(Henson Organisation),HOP(Henson Organisation Publishing) and HUM(Henson Universal Music).Hope you can get some answers on your items.