Need advice on adult puppet web-series


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2006
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I hope I didn't imply that there should be cussing.
Get it?
My comment was not aimed at you Mike, it was just a general comment on the topic at hand of what is "Adult". Your stuff is just fine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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Onath, I really like your puppets. I think that your original video is well shot, but it seems to play on the college stereotype that doesn't really exist. I just graduated from college (though mine was defined by nerdiness, not the typical college scene), and I think that your dorm idea sounds good. College students are certainly vulgar, but not even close to the amount that the video portrays. It seems to be vulgarity for the sake of shock value. I think that college students respond to two types of comedy: that which pertains to them (weird roommates, parties, staying at the library, fun memories on the quads) and that which is really awkward (see The Office for that type of humor; lots of silent moments and inappropriate comments. Political incorrectness is certainly a hit for people in their late teens and early twenties). If you make it relevant to them, they'll respond. I, for example, have a roommate that just bought a squirrel trap and plans to catch, skin, and eat squirrels. I'm still reeling from the whole concept. We live in a city, no less! Anyway, that's an example of something weird (but true) that gets tons of laughs.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't like the idea that cussing makes it adult. I am an adult and I don't want to hear cussing at all. I feel that it is usually an unnecessary short cut to an end result that could have been resolved better with more thought. Adult oriented programs should not be categorized as cussing, sex, dirty ideas, but what really defines something as adult is that it is a situation that a child, teenager, or even a young adult would not understand because they have not matured mentally, emotionally, or had the life experience to understand the situations presented. Why should we cheapen our puppet programs with dirty jokes when they could be so much more?
This is so very true. I think profanity is often mistaken for humour. It seems to be a crutch that people tend to rely on.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
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Yes it can work without swearing, sure, for the mainstream that's probly necessary, but I dunno, to me, it looks to be a bit of an elitist attitude like "Well, I don't swear, therfor it's cheap and unnecessary in adult puppetry".

In the context of humour though, that's a different road alltogether. A big 'thread derailing' kind of topic that would be more about just swearing in general.

Fact of the matter is whenever anything a puppet does that is adult, like; gratuitous swearing, sex, or violence it is automatically adult. It may look or sound cringeworthy but to be so overly protective of puppetry, I think, stunts it.
Rules in artforms or entertainment, ****!