Well this is a very old thread I know but as I was re-reading over it I thought I'd bump it up to say some thoughts in reply to what some of you had said in here.
First of all thank you for all your support and prayers and I know they have been answered
I had been thinking of moving back as I said but I'm now in my fourth lease term and feel I can stay happily in my unit while fostering my family reconciliation.
Since I started my regular scripture readings again it has helped me to come to terms with the past and I am able to enjoy movies, books etc. without being affected by swearing in them though I have decided to keep such material down to a bare minimum. So I have passed on a lot of such books to lifeline and other people who may be able to appreciate the stories turning a blind eye to the language. I am accumulating a collection of Reader's Digest Condensed Books that I'm writing up about in the Last book you read thread in General Discussion as I read them through from front to back. They're good because the language in them is kept pretty clean thankfully.
I use the f word more and more seldom now and my lady friend mentioned in this thread praises God for that. I still use some minor bad words which some of my older church friends do too. (hey nobody's perfect)
But if in the future she decides she is ready and would like to marry me I will endeavour not to swear at all for her, since she was brought up that all swear words were vulgar and offensive.
Even just as a friend she is a real blessing to me, and I know I have needed my singleness at this time to strengthen myself in Christ and bond with the family again.
Once again bless you all