Thanks everybody! It really was a chance encounter. The guy who was doing the film (and being on the show) is a real Minnesota-pusher. He really believes that Minnesota can hold it's own when it comes to production. So he went looking locally for somebody who could make the puppets for him. He placed a call to where I work (Minnefex, Inc.) after looking over our website. I was overjoyed when Joey told me that somebody was coming over to talk about PAYING to have some puppets made!
Thos sorts of jobs come along once in a blue moon. I'm usually making fake waffles or pickingthrough cases and cases of tilet paper to find the "perfect" rolls for a commercial. Ugh.
Anyway, it was a hoot all the way around. He didn't have enough money to REALLY pay us for the puppets, but I took the job anyway... its all for the love, man!