It's so funny! I love the crazy old guy. Crazy old guys rock. What a hilarious idea to take them to the store! Did you get a lot of stares? You must have had a lot of fun making this film. I love the way the old lady goes to grab the stuff after they buy it. Made me laugh out loud. That musical number = GENIUS. I love how everybody freaks out when the old lady appears. And where did you find that weird "no children's eating facilities" sign? Wow...I should totally take my puppet trick-or-treating next year. What a hoot. It looks like that dog has the same, erm, "kid problems" as my Chunk, hehe.
As for advice, I couldn't hear the voices very well. Try to speak a little louder and enunciate. Also, I noticed that the puppets tend to flap their heads up and down when they speak. What you need to do is sort of "shoot" the voice out of the mouth, creating a downward and outward movement instead of an upward one. Also, at times (especially in the first scene), the puppets look like they're leaning or reclining. If they were supposed to look like that, that's okay, but if not, try to hold them a little straighter. Also, the scenes where the lady puppet just pops up out of nowhere tend to muddle the suspension of disbelief somewhat; it would be much more realistic if she walked on screen. (Of course, if you think it's just plain funny to have puppets pop up out of nowhere-and it is, it's just not very realistic-then by all means, disregard the previous statement.) Also, the lip-synch is a little off. I've noticed that you've chosen to put the arm rods on the right hands while operating them with the left hand. May I suggest making the puppets left-handed? It offers far better control than having to constantly reach across to your right side with your left hand.
Hope these tips help, and happy puppeteering!