Some low budge tools that work if you can't afford the fancy stuff.
Digitial: I know you can get Paintshop pro. on a free trial for 30 days so that might be better than nothing. When I got it a while back now it was free for 3 months. I used THE GIMP for a while and that works nicely but it's hard to use, but it gives better results than micorsoft paint. Allthought you will be amazed what can come from plaine old paint if you have the time and paitance.
None digitial stuff: I do muh better with pencils when with colour. My fave pencil lead is 6B soft, HB which is a really dark lead good for blacks and outlineing, for sketching I like Graphite pencils, they are really hard but give faint lines that can be eassly eraced later.
#2 pencils are great too if you get good quiltie ones and mechianial pencils that are HB lead in size 5.0mm not the fine or the ultra fine leads.
INKS: Gel Pens, fine line felt tip pens.
Hope this helps a little.