You know, I don't think anyone here really has a wish for Elmo to completely vanish. He is a perfect example of the innocense of youth which we all hold so dear. For todays generation, he is the one holding the candle for SS. For old timers like me, it was more a "bunch of muppets all wrapped into one" that was the essence of SS. I guess the thing that scares people like me more than anything is the thought of loosing the muppets of "our" youth, just as you fear possibly loosing Elmo someday. People like to "feel" young, (especially when they are physically not). For centuries they have been trying to find a way to "turn back the clock" somehow. Sure, there's things like plastic surgery, for those who can afford it. But just because you "look" young doesn't necessarily mean you feel it. And, (IMO), if you don't feel young, why take the trouble to look it? I, myself, would much rather spend my money on some good, remastered SS clips that I used to watch as a child, and use that as my "fountain of youth", than use it to pay a doctor to make me into something I'm not. When people, like me, vent frustration at Elmo's popularity these days, its doesn't mean we want to see Elmo obliterated. (Believe me, I could think of a heck of alot worse things that my kids could be watching than Elmo!) Its simply due to the fact that, as we see more and more new muppets being created and taking their place on SS, the muppets that WE remember are slowly dissapearing, and the future fate of the few memories we have to remember them by, (that being the old SS episodes and clips), are on very unstable grounds right now. For the people who now own them, they are like a double edged sword: the artists of today would like nothing better than to make a name for themselves by showing their talent through their work on todays SS, and they know that alot of the parents of today are from the Jim Henson era. But they also know that, unless they can get people to start likeing their work as much as Jim Hensons, they wont have a job for very long. And the way it appears to me that they are trying to do this is by showing less and less of his work, and more and more of theirs. Don't get me wrong, their work will always have Jims to be compared to. And, if I were a SS artist, puppeteer, or writer, having to meet a standard of quality like Jim had each day would be a pretty daunting task. Don't forget, Elmo was a creation of Jims, too. Enjoy him while you can, furryred. Tape every SS episode and "Elmo's world" you possibly can on the finest quality recording material you can get. Don't think for one second (like I foolishly did) that your favorite character(s) will always be on SS. Hopefully what Rowlf84 said is true, and our friends will be around for years to come. But, when it comes right down to it, only the directors and producers of SS truely have the ability to make that final decision.