My own MC memories with Bill


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Nice to see how you and Sara have gotten along. I wonder who's next on the lineup?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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You know what? I think I remember that scenario you're talking about Marty... and if MY memory serves correctly, I believe Sara's fear was that she might, potentially, have had AIDS, but I believe that was disproven, thank goodness.

Still, like Pooh said, nice to see you bonded with her like so.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Marty: I don't want to dwell upon it, but that's right Snowthy. First she knew she had this virus, whatever it was, then she was afraid she might have had AIDS, but thankfully it proved to be wrong. It was merely a sort of relapse of the original virus. But let's not talk about that any more for her sake. I believe she would want it that way.

Bill: That's very kind and thoughtful of you Marty.

Marty: Yes Bill. Anyway Snowthy, when Bill and I are ready you shall be the second MC friend I shall give tribute too.

Bill: And we both hope you'll enjoy what we will talk about.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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A tribute to our buddy Snowth from Bill & Marty! This outta be good...


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Marty: Another person on the forum who I made a very close bond with is D'Snowth. Also known as Snowthy, Snowthers, Snowthmeister and many other similar nicknames.

Bill: How did you get to know this Snowth person Marty?

Marty: Basically it was by reaching out to him via PM Bill. I tried saying hello to some people randomly in this matter. Some have seldom if ever replied to me. But I'm not worried about that. It's their choice and I respect them for it. While others have chatted with me this way in an on again-off again manner. Snowth is one of those who still exchanges PMes with me from time to time.

Bill: What was your first PM exchange like?

Marty: I said hello to him, though at that time there was still a little bit of confusion as to whether he was really male or female, but I'll talk of this later. Like I began to say, I introduced myself, said I was a Christian, shared my favourite part of Old Testament Bible History and invited him to talk sometime. Incidentally I had learned he was also a Christian from reading some of his posts on the forum.

Bill: And he replied back to you Marty?

Marty: Correct. He said anytime he wanted a friend who shared his spiritual faith for advice about anything, I would be the one he would turn to.

Bill: That must have been a very happy feeling for you. Have you helped him with many questions over the time you've spent here?

Marty: I sure have Bill. Out of respect for privacy I won't give any examples. But it's made me so thrilled to know I've been so helpful to a brother in the Christian faith.

Bill: You mentioned that you were not sure about his gender Marty? What's the story behind that?

Marty: Well you see Snowthy is a big fan of the television comedy show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" or to be more specific one of the comedians who appear on many of the episodes. Kathy Greenwood from Canada and from time to time he uses pictures of her for his avatar. I'm afraid many of us, myself included, fell into thinking of him as a lady on account of those pictures. It seems laughable in retrospection I know, but it just goes to show how easily our minds are open to suggestion. Even after I introduced myself as Marty on the boards, some people still thought my name was Bill. In fact I still sometimes get called by your name even today Bill. But I think everybody understands that Snowthy's male now at least.

Bill: That is funny. About you getting called Bill, I mean. At least nobody has ever asked you to blow bubbles out of your head Marty. (They both laugh again) Anyway what else do you have to say about your friendship with Snowth?

Marty: I remember when I first became curious about T*K*O Bill. I'd heard all about it but had never seen an episode of it. Then in one thread I asked him what it was. He and MrsPepper both directed my attention to it. It was fascinating Bill.

Bill: What did you think and what was it about?

Marty: Really clever. It's a series of generally comedy stories Bill, using my friend Snowth and other members of MC as characters in a sort of parody of M*A*S*H. M*A*S*H is another one of Snowthy's special interests and T*K*O draws heavy inspiration from it.

Bill: In what way Marty?

Marty: I can't really answer for I've never really watched M*A*S*H closely Bill. But Thread Killers Organization, which is what T*K*O stands for is all about MrsPepper heading an organization devoted to posting messages intended to kill off the discussion in threads at MC. As I understand all the characters are somewhat parallelled in the cast of the M*A*S*H unit on TV. Incidentally all the T*K*O stories are presented in the form of scripts for actual television episodes.

Bill: Did you ever ask if you could be in it?

Marty: Now you're getting to the heart of the matter Bill. Yes I did.

Bill: Did you make it?

Marty: Just so to speak. They had written three whole seasons of episodes before I joined MC and there were questions as to whether they were going to do any more at all amongst themselves. But they did finally choose to go for one final season. And I was in it.

Bill: Ooooh. What sort of role did you have?

Marty: Originally I asked Snowth if I could be a junior assistant thread killer under his tutorage. I thought he and I could have worked as a comedy team like Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello. But in the end I was given a far better sort of role that I really loved.

Bill: Do tell. I'm very excited.

Marty: Snowthy actually wrote himself out of the script and brought me in as his proposed replacement. I never actually got to interact with him personally on the show, but it was implied that we were such very good personal friends like we really are on the forum.

Bill: How did you go,

Marty: Wait Bill. There's a twist. In the end because of my strong Christian faith and attitudes written into my character, the script of my first appearance had the others telling MrsPepper that I'd be better off as a preacher rather than a thread-killer. So I was appointed as the first ever chaplain to the Thread Killers Organization. How about that?

Bill: Oh my. How did that go?

Marty: Wonderful. But it's getting a little late. I'll finish off this part tomorrow Bill.

Bill: Okay Marty. See you tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Aww, this has been the best part, so far, of your retrospective Marty, though I can't quite put my finger on why... oh well, absolutely looking forward to more!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Marty, I want you to know that I have been reading through all of this and am really enjoying keeping up with your memories.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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This was very enlightening. I applaud. Do continue more please.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Marty: Well Bill. Here we are back again at last. Ready to hear all about my role on T*K*O?

Bill: Sure am Marty. How was it like?

Marty: My first appearance was in episode 44 "Promotion Commotion" Like I said last time, that was when I came in as Snowth's replacement, but ended up appointed chaplain instead. Not bad eh, Bill?

Bill: Great. How about your other appearances?

Marty: I next appeared in episode 46 "The Godchildren". That was when, if I recall precisely, two rather obnoxious children visited the T*K*O offices. I think they were a brother and sister couple. I don't remember their names at the moment, but the story was that they were the godchildren of MrsPepper and she had to babysit them. They gave the cast a little bit of a hard time.

Bill: Where did you come into it?

Marty: I had a small part to play when one of them, the girl I believe, entered my office. I started telling her the biblical account of Noah and the Great Flood in the early chapters of Genesis, when she shocked me by stating that she didn't believe in God. That was the end of my scene.

Bill: Wow. Please continue.

Marty: After that I didn't appear for two episodes, but I was in it then for the remainder of the series.
First of all though I was absent in part 1, my character officiated over a wedding ceremony in "The Prawn Proposes" part 2, which was episode 49. The Prawncracker proposed to either Vibs or Together Again. I'm not sure which and I think there was some kind of comedic twist to the ceremony I was trying to perform. I really should have a proper look at it sometime to refresh my memory.

Bill: I bet you did a good acting job Marty.

Marty: You are most flattering Bill. Thanks. Anyway next was episode 50 "Ball of Revenge" The premise of that story was that all the major human villians from all the Muppet Movies challenged the staff of T*K*O to a game of netball or something like that. Challenged is putting it rather finely since they literally forced everybody to go to the game court with them. Put simply they had to play the game with the villians whether they really wanted to or not. My role was to perform as the referee.
I do well remember episode 51 "Father Knows Best" I think looking back on it, this was really the first and only T*K*O episode that wasn't a comedy at all. It involved me giving comfort and sympathy as a Christian counsellor to MrsPepper regarding an old friend of hers with whom she'd had a falling out and heard had died without having any opportunity to make up with.

Bill: Oh. That is tragic.

Marty: It was so beautifully written Bill. Such a tearjerker. When Snowth wrote it he was a little worried about how people would respond to it. But it turned out to be a hugely successful episode. The public loved it and it was my first majorly significant appearance as Father Marty in my opinion.

Bill: So you were on the way up the celebrity ladder then Marty?

Marty: Unfortunately it was too late to begin ascending to the heights of T*K*O stardom Bill. It was just my misfortune to have come along to MC and applied for a role so late into the piece. That was the wrap-up season of T*K*O and so my character would never be promoted from a recurring to a regular. I did make one final appearance in the feature length finale entitled T*K*O When You Pull The Plug in which MrsPepper's unit was disbanded by those in higher authority. I thanked MrsPepper for allowing me to be their chaplain and said I had been accepted into further Chaplaincy work elsewhere because I'd discovered that is what I most wanted to do. Today this movie is recognized as the 52nd and final episode of this series. My part to play in it was very brief, but I'm proud to have been involved with it and very grateful to Snowthy and MrsPepper for letting me work with them.

Bill: That's such a wonderful recollection Marty. Snowth and Pepper should both be very happy to hear you say that.

Snowth: I expect they will be Bill. What to reflect upon next? I know. My efforts at fan fiction writing. I'll be able to give a few little tributes to some people when I talk about my fan-fics next.

Bill: Sounds really good Marty. Until we're ready then.