My outline attempt coming soon


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Even though I am a little disappointed with the low level of feedback I've received from my idea for a Wayne and Wanda segment thread:cry: I've decided to begin on my own. That's okay good buddies. I know you all have things happening in your own lives as well.
So I'll be trying to write just a very basic bare boned outline to start with and post it on the forum.
But I'm still hopeful that sooner or later somebody will be able to work with me and guide me along the way to perfect outlining.:smile:
I think for a guest star I'll concentrate upon Mr. Tim Brooke-Taylor, british comedian.
Okay I'll do my best .:wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I'm going to post my outline now not necessarily all in one thread but I'll write off the top of my head whatever comes to me while I sit at my computer. my outline shall be in the style of season one and guest star shall be Tim Brooke Taylor. Tim was a part of a comedy trio in Britain called The Goodies. His partners were Greame Garden and Bill Oddie. All three of them are still alive today and ironically they have a far greater loyal fan club here where I live in Australia and also New Zealand than anywhere else in the world including Britain.
So here is my rough attempt at an outline and please give me some real feedback on what you truly think please.

Muppet show season one style
Special guest star Tim Brooke Taylor

Fozzie joke I tried asking a lollipop lady out on a date last week but when her boyfriend heard about it I had to quickly call it off. He had me well and truly licked.
When Gonzo is about to swing at the O he suddenly realizes that it is a mirror and stops himself just in time saying "Whew. That was close. I can't afford 7 years of bad luck.

Livin' next door to Alice by The Electric Mayhem

Fozzie tries to persuade Tim to share his monologue with him. But Tim says after having to share the Spotlight with his partners Bill and Greame for so long he wants to do his comedy alone for a change.

The Chef says he will make a tossed salad and ends up tossing it all over the place. (This gag seems too easy and too obvious I'm not sure if it was actually used on the real Muppet Show or not)

Scooter, Hilda and Gonzo ask Tim if he would like anything done for him to help him relax before his first skit. He says he would like a nice soothing massage. But he gets more than he bargained for when Sweetums gives him a somewhat rough treatment.

In your Easter Bonnet sung by a male rabbit(Could be Bernie) to a female rabbit

Tim plays a waiter in a posh restaurant who is having a difficult time trying to cope with Behemoth who ends up eating things such as silverware, napkins etc while poor Tim is trying to serve the other customers who get so disgruntled with the situation that they leave in a huff to try to find a more relaxing, enjoyable place to eat.

Whew I think I'll stop there for now. I'll post some more thoughts that come to me another time. I think I have the potential if anyone is willing to give me some encouragement with this at all

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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That was good so far. I like the Swedish Chef's toss salad skit (a similar joke was used in Sesame Street Presents Follow That Bird). Good luck thinking of good material for an At The Dance skit (if you choose to include one.... only one first season episode did not have an At The Dance skit). Also, I'd like to point out that there were only three first season epsiodes without a Talk Spot.

You might also want to include some introductions to some of the acts (you didn't have an introduction for the opening number) and also some Statler and Waldorf comments following some acts. Of course, you did do some things that I don't always do with my outlines, such as include stuff that happens in the opening (I don't think I've ever written any outlines that mentioned Fozzie's opening joke or what happens when Gonzo hits the gong, though I have occassionally written outliens where I mentioned what statler and waldorf do in the opening and what happens when Gonzo blows his horn, and some of my outlines have had closing comments from Statler and Waldorf).


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Thank you mate. I'm so happy. Receiving such replies as this makes all the difference to personal enthusiasm.
Naturally I'll be wanting to flesh it all out a little bit more eventually as well. Watch this space for more work.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
I'm going to post my outline now not necessarily all in one thread but I'll write off the top of my head whatever comes to me while I sit at my computer.

Of course I meant to say not necessarily all in one post:embarrassed:
Ah well I'm ready to do some more now so here goes

Tim and Kermit talk about the time during one (real) episode of the Goodies' TV series Greame was actually upsetting Tim by telling him that the Muppets were only dollies. Tim assures Kermit that it was only a joke because he always knew that the Muppets were real. Tim goes on to say how Greame said as part of the story that Kermit was really just a green sock on somebody's hand. Isn't that ridiculous? Kermit agrees that it is and laughs. Tim goes on further to ask if Kermit knows what Miss Piggy was considered to be. Kermit says to tell him. Tim gets carried away and bursts into hysterical laughter screaming out that Miss Piggy is an old mop head attatched to a clotheshanger.
Piggy has overheard this outburst and comes racing angrily onto the stage. Tim and Kermit desperately try to explain to her that Tim wasn't really calling her names but she just won't listen and karate chops him. Tim screams Help wild pig. and is chased offstage

Fozzie is still brooding over the fact that Tim won't work with him. Gonzo is getting ready for another one of his crazy acts. Tap dancing with banana skins glued to his shoes and he slides into Fozzie and also Kermit knocking them down.

Hilda is the patient (I'll come up with a story for this when I extend it out. I would love to have a partner for something like a Vet's Hospital sketch in particular)

How about from left to right Uncle Deadly, a female What-Not, Kermit, Tim and Animal. (this is another deep sort of sketch I don't think I could handle on my own but with Animal and Deadly on either end it opens up potential for discussing how this could be put together or even if someone wants to discuss maybe a better choice of characters we could work something out between us.)

Tim is supposed to be having a special monologue of his very own style before Fozzie has his. However Fozzie boldly comes on stage and tells Tim in front of the entire audience that he has always loved The Goodies TVshow and to work with one of them especially Tim his favourite would be the highlight of his life. Hearing this said in front of so many people Tim reluctantly swallows his pride and agrees to do the monologue with Fozzie and together they banter some words with Statler and Waldorf.

Well I think I'm tuckered out for this post. I hope some more people take the time to reply and share their thoughts with me. Gorgon Heap I'd sure love to hear from you in particular.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Ah, not bad. Not bad at all there, keep it up!~


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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That's encouraging D'Snowth. Yes I will keep it up pal. You can be sure of that.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Maybe the panel topic could be "calmness" or "releaxation". Of course, Animal would go wild in that sketch.

I can't think of any good jokes for the Veterinarians Hospital sketch.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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minor muppetz said:
Maybe the panel topic could be "calmness" or "releaxation". Of course, Animal would go wild in that sketch.

I can't think of any good jokes for the Veterinarians Hospital sketch.
Oh yes that is a very subtle touch for a muppet panel discussion trying to discuss relaxation therapy along with one member who doesn't know the meaning of it at all. :halo: Poor Tim would of course be in a pickle of a position if or should I say when Animal starts to run wild with no direction to immediately get away from him.

I can't even begin to think of how to write a Vet's Hospital sketch myself but I have PMed Gorgon Heap and maybe he will be interested in helping me work on it.
Something else I might try to think of by myself while I go about my regular life is a possible joke for the Talking Houses. They're pretty tricky. But wish me luck.:wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I just thought I'd briefly post two jokes that came to my mind. They'll have to be inserted inside the final piece of my outline and eventually when I'm able to extend it out I think I'll post it on a separate thread in one go as it should conveniently be. But here are the jokes

House 1: I have to go to a funeral tomorrow.
House 2: What? What has happened?
House 1: My best friend's grandfather became too old and was condemned and demolished.

Waldorf: Well another show is over.
Statler: Oh good.
Waldorf: Goody.
They look at each other for a brief moment then turn to the camera and sing
"Goody Goody Goody Yum Yum."
This is derived from part of Tim and his two partners comedy show theme song Goodies! Goody-goody, yum-yum