My Opinion On:Sesame Street Celebrates 20

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Hi guys! I got some new specials so I am gonna voice my opinion about these specials. My first opinion is "Sesame Street Celebrates 20 Years and Counting."
Now this was made exactly ONE WEEK before "The Jim Henson Hour."


Now in the beginning (as far as I see might be some parts missing) I see a clip of Bill Cosby he then pops up and says "SOme people ask me about that clip and I say that's my son!"

Then you see Kermit asking Grover how to get to Sesame Street,he doesn't know.(Wha?)

After that you see Bill Cosby talking about Sesame Street going into today's culture. Featuring clips of "Got A New Way TO Walk",''Honk Around The Clock","Rapping Alphabet","Miami Mice",very 70's Allistar Cookie,Squeel of Fortune,and I think that's all.

Then Bill Cosby says they have a secret and tells Elmo,he says Air is the secret and shows a clip of the song "Air!"

Then Ernie and Bert are outside of Oscar's can with Telly and some kids they ask him to move around for the camera to
be on television (funny eh?) then they ask Oscar to pop up he pops up with a paper bag and he say's "He's ready for his closeup!"

Then Bill pops up and talks about how many races have been on and then you see a clip with Ray Charles and Some Monsters singing "Being Green."

Then a commercial for "The Jim Henson Hour."

Count pops and says He counted two commercials.

Then Bert and Ernie film Maria and Luis fixing a toaster.

Susan,Gordon,Bob talk about John John and the kids.

Then shows a clip from 1974 with Herry and John John counting then a grown up John John counts with Herry prefered to be called "John Williams" and they count some more and they go back to the old clip.

Bill Cosby talks to Baby Natasha says that SS has a mother Joan Ganz Cooney.Then Jim Henson pretty much 'interviews' Joan Ganz Cooney.

Then a clip montage of Ernie singing "Rubber Duckie" singing in different languages.

Then Bill Cosby talks about how many countries have Sesame Street and shows a long clip montage of all the countries and talks about the characters in the episodes.

Placido Flamingo then says to Bill he is meeting his 'namesake' Placido Damingo singing with some muppet kids "Look Through The Window."

They also sing it in english and I think spanish!

Lots of the kids look like they are from "A Small World After All'' from Disneyland. Lots of the kids were used in different sketches.

(I know in some point Kermit meets Sharla and that other girl again in this special but it seem not too appear in here.)

Another dum commercial.

Count says he counted one more commercial.

Bill talks about the changes about Sesame Street talking about Maria's Wedding,Baby,Death of Mr.Hooper,and adoption of Miles. Then Cookie Monster asks 'Cos' to give him a cookie. Bill states some things never change.

Kermit passes Don Music dragging his piano asking to get to Sesame Street Don says "Practice!" then the taxi comes up with grover and grover asks how to get to Sesame Street.

Then Bert and Ernie are done with the film and Cookie Monster eats the camera and tape. Then they are upset that they will never see Sesame Street on television. Then they start to sing "Sing" then Kermit runs late.

Then the credits role starts with Bert and Ernie,Don Music,Maria,Luis,Barkley,Bob,Big Bird,Susan,Gordon,Miles,Rudy,Prarie Dawn,
Snuffy,Alice,some Kids,Telly,Baby Natasha,Cookie,Grover,Herry,Elmo,Linda,
Count,and then they all join together joins together to sing together.

During the c... redits each character shows the actor's name or puppeteer.Then Bill talks to a baby saying Sesame Street is 20 Years Old.

My Thoughts:

Now that I told you about the television special.I will tell you what I thought of it! (Every time I do the thread I discribe what's goin on and then I tell my opinion.)

This is one of the BEST Sesame Street specials I have seen.

I think it really shows the true history and classic Sesame Street. I might be missing some of it,but what I see is great! So if you guys have a chance to see it,I recommend you see it. I give it five kermits!

NEXT TIME: A special review of "The Frog Prince."


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks for the review...can this be found anywhere in stores (ie video, DVD, etc.?)

2 thoughts:

I remember Squeal of Fortune and how annoying it a funny way.
And I am intrigued. You say 'another dumb commercial...'...what's it about?

I look forward to hearing more!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2002
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I just made a deal with someone not too long ago about getting the special through a trade. I should be getting the tape soon. :smile: I can't wait to see it. I'll let you all know about my opinion on it when I have looked over it. The tension is too much:crazy:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Barry Lee said:
Now in the beginning (as far as I see might be some parts missing) I see a clip of Bill Cosby he then pops up and says "SOme people ask me about that clip and I say that's my son!"
That's not how it starts. Here is all that happens before that.

First, Jim Henson and Kermit are in a room talking about the show. Kermit is sitting on Jim's lap, but Jim henson performs kermit in a way that it looks like he has his hand around Kermits back. Anyway, Jim Henson talks about how the show began and how, after thinking the show would only last a few years, it is still on the air. He announces that Bill Cosby is the host and that Ray Charles and Placedo Domingo are the guests. Jim then tells kermit to get dressed for the show (although this was originally produced as a special for The Jim Henson Hour, Jim henson was on a different set from the one he would be on to introduce The Jim Henson Hour. There is no white lion, and it looks like the set is actually there, as opposed to being computer animated. Maybe there was originally a different opening sequence that got replaced with this one?).

Bill Cosby is on the street when he meets Kermit The frog, who is in his new uniform going out to ask the question of the day. Bill Cosby begs Kermit to ask him the question of the day but Kermit doesn't think it would work. The question is, "Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?" (yeah, Bill Cosby does think it's a stupid question. Oh, and he says he took the F Train). After this is a big scene on the street, with various humans, kids, and muppets walking around the street as the theme song plays (among those humans are Willy and Mr. Macintosh, who don't get to sing their own verses of Sing at the end). This leads to a clip montage.

Then we get a commercial break.

Then Bert is using a video camera to film his pigeon. Bert is excited because he will finally get to see pigeons on television. Ernie wonders who wants to see pigeons on television, and thinks it would be better to see Sesame Street on televiison. Bert wonders who wants to see Sesame Street on TV ("we can see it outside our window every day"), but then starts to like the idea.

Bob, Gordon, and Susan are all at Hooper's Store, talking about the show (I'm not sure whetehr they are supposed to be playing themselves or their characters, though Gordon does mention only being on the show for 15 years, though he doesn't specifically mention Matt Robinson or Hal Miller). They talk and show clips of the cast singing a song to Miles called "You're My baby", then another clip is shown of the cast giving a party to miles and singing "We're a Family".

Bill Cosby then opens oscars can and some pop-up snakes (or whatever their called) pop out. oscar insults Bill Cosby, and Bill seems to feel great that he was insulted by oscar The grouch.

Then we get the first Sesame Street News skit, where grover interrupts the report by selling ice cream. Kermit encounters the adult fanny and Shala and asks them the question of the day, not realizing who they are untill they remind him, and we see the old clip of them demosntrating "next to", and then they tell Kermit what they are currently doing. They don't answer the question, though.

Bill Cosby then goes to see Big Bird, who has some "important" things to do (like put his face between his legs, which eh also did in the episode where he learned of Mr. Hoopers death). After Bill Cosby does some of these things with him, he asks Big Bird what else he can do, and Big Bird says, "lots of things!", which leads to a clip montage of Big Bird moments accompanied by a song called What a Bird! (was this song written for the special or was it ever sung on the show?).

Then we get another commercial break.

Then the Count counts one commercial break, and says that he missed the first one.

Bill Cosby is then with Frazzle and some more monsters and says that Sesame Street has gotten kids attention by using monsters and frogs. This leads to the clip where kermit and a girl say the alphabet and the girl keeps saying Cookie Monster!

We then hear from some adults who grew up watching Sesame Street.

Bill Cosby asks Big Bird how old he is, and Big Bird says that he is six. Bill Cosby wonders how he could still be six if he's been around for 20 years, and Big Bird says that he's just lucky (I wonder if this scene was originally meant to follow the last scene with Big Bird. If it weren't for the scenes with Bill Cosby that were shwon between this, it would look like he never left Big Birds nest).

Bill Cosby then says that kids love commercials, but instead of commercials for toys, why not commercials for letters and numbers? This leads to three non-muppet segments: Pinball Number Count: 10, The King of 8, and two Bill Cosbys counting. Oddly enough, no letter segments are included.

After that it continues from where the first post started.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2002
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Wow, that's very detailed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2002
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Wow, that's very detailed.:smirk:


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2002
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Wow, that's very detailed.:smirk: