What a great fanfic, i <3

! I always love stories, and this one particularly had me really excited to read it! You tell great stories!
I really love the pictures! Aww, Whizzles is amazingly cute! So pretty. And isn't Nigel adorable! And the second one of the whole band is so good as well! Oh my gorge (it's a place in Fraggle Rock, and now it's my catchphrase) I love the picture of Lips--looks a little like Steve Whitmire from the 80s, don't you think? Like the way they all turned out, of course! You are a really good artist. I enjoy looking at these; if you were to see my finger-painting of Janice (yes, I still do that, and I'm proud of it.), you would see how one can enjoy looking at GOOD art for a change! Anyways, what makes a good story better is illustrations to compliment it...perhaps there will be more in the near future?
And this story is soooo good! I can't wait to read more! I love Whizzles already...not to say that I wouldn't like to find out more about her, though! You are so good at knowing everything everyone would say (even Lips, who didn't speak much during the run of The Muppet Show). The humor is awesome (Can You Picture That!

(laughing!), and the story makes me want to read even more! I do think the Muppets need a couple more girls on the show. I hope there'll be more...will there? I don't want to stop reading this fanfic! Aw, and I feel so bad for poor Jan-jan, though

Really don't mean to sound like I'm reviewing a book, but this story is so good! Wil there be more--oh pretty plEEEEEze?