Wow, a lot of great replies! Thanks, everyone. (Sorry I didn't jump in earlier. I always forget that email notifications for this forum go to an old email address, so I don't see them.)
Muppet Master: I agree that the show was far from perfect, but there were a lot of wonderful moments and storylines, as well as a lot of potential for the future if it had been given a chance. You're right that we'd have a much different view of TMS if it had only lasted 22 episodes!
I tend to be pretty hard on the 2015 series, but I concur that the balance of characters was absolutely spot-on.
Daffyfan4ever: Yeah, the lack of classic characters did make the show a bit of an uphill battle. I think at that point, the mainstream audience wanted to see that the classic characters would survive and thrive. But with Jim and Richard gone, Frank semi-retired from puppeteering, Jerry unable to perform in every episode due to his health (I believe), and the Henson Company being reluctant at the time to recast more than necessary, we were going to be stuck with a heavy emphasis on characters who hadn't hit their stride yet and who the audience hadn't yet embraced.
Of course, JHH also introduced a slew of new characters, but that show lasted even less long than MT, and none of those characters are part of the current troupe. At least we still have Pepe from MT.
Granted, one can't rest on one's laurels forever, and it's good to develop new characters. But if the classic characters had been front and center at the beginning, and the new characters had been introduced more gradually and organically, maybe the series would have more of a shot. (But I don't fault the Henson Company for doing the best they could with the limited options they had at the time.)
Coolguy13: Thanks for sharing Anthony's article! I hadn't seen that before. While Muppets Now didn't turn out to be the success we hoped for, I think he's absolutely right that the Muppets thrive in new mediums - exemplified by the huge success of the classic TMS episodes arriving on Disney+. (Also, how have I never heard of
Our Place before now? That's amazing!)
Okay, I think I hit the major points for now.

Thanks again to everyone, and please feel free to write more if you have more thoughts or comments!