This is pretty crazy, I know, but I'm a library clerk, and today I came across a children's CD entitled Pirates of the Caribbean: Swashbuckling Sea Songs. It is produced by Disney and is an official, authentic movie tie-in product. The track list includes several songs about pirates, including the legendary "Yo, Ho, Ho (And a Bottle of Rum)" and the Pirates theme, "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)". But lo and behold, there is also "Shiver My Timbers" and "Sailing for Adventure" from MTI!
They aren't the actual tracks from the MTI soundtrack, but specially re-recorded versions of the songs. The liner notes say that these songs are performed by David Breeding, Allen Robertson, Jerome Schoolar, Larry Seyer, Craig Toungate, and David Wise, none of whom I recognize as being Henson/Muppet/Disney people. But whatever the case, the CD looks interesting and I think it is pretty funny (and cool) that they included a couple of Muppet songs.
They aren't the actual tracks from the MTI soundtrack, but specially re-recorded versions of the songs. The liner notes say that these songs are performed by David Breeding, Allen Robertson, Jerome Schoolar, Larry Seyer, Craig Toungate, and David Wise, none of whom I recognize as being Henson/Muppet/Disney people. But whatever the case, the CD looks interesting and I think it is pretty funny (and cool) that they included a couple of Muppet songs.