I have acctually asked the Tonner Company that, and I can't quote exactly, as I don't remember the exact words, but they said it was a great idea and I'd just have to wait and see.
Now, can mean, Yes, and can mean, we'll look into it, maybe.
Kermit Dopes go with the Piggy in leather. They aren't a set. They only made 3 Kermits so far. One was an exclusive at a tonner convention where he was dressed in a tux, the second was kermit in all his glory, naked as usual, and this is the 3rd release of Kermit.
I hope this helps. I really do hope they make a Gonzo and Fozzie. I mean, the outfit possibilities on Gonzo are almost as unlimmted as Piggy!
Hopefully the Tonner Co. Will be releasing some more info on the lines soon.