OverUnderAround said:
So far the only one on here who has actually seen the cruise ship show was Joemuseum. Joe if you're out there I have a question. When the show was over, what was the reaction of those who attended?
Were there thunderous applause,
average applause,
mediocre applause
or poor applause
from the folks that watched the show?
Did Disney perhaps give out cards for people can fill out to get their opinion of the show?
Also what in your opinion was done right and what could have been improved?
My opinion after the "guess its just a matter of time" snipe, you mean? LOL
It did not receive a large standing ovation. Only a minority of us stood up. I was surprised at the time. While I would not say thunderous applause, i would say it was far more than mediocre. Very loud and sustained but not a typical "standing O." I had the feeling at the time that some were not enjoying it as much as me, although there was very loud laughter and appause throughout the show. Keep in mind that many shore excursions were delayed. Many people had to wait in a line after a long hot day just to get on the ship. They had to delay the performance because of the large amount of people late from their excursions. I said in my post that it was a shame that so many people had to watch the show while they were tired. I had that feeling going into the theatre. Hot people, still in their clothes from their excursions.
The reviewer that was quoted here also said he did not like the other new show. I thought that show was superb, absolutely magical. I wouldn't be surprised if it wins awards for best new show in the cruise industry.
He also complained in his post about being asked to move to fill in empty seats, a disney policy since all seating is general admission, of course. He actually backtalked a cast member and refused to move. I have fun on my vacations and enjoyed every interaction with cast members. They are always polite and friendly and go out of their way to make you happy. It's Disney. That says enough.
My opinion is that every Muppet skit came off great. All Muppets sounded like the original. The "Italian" guy who did the "guest star" peformance was fitting, as it was in the Muppet television shows. He was not extraordinary but did get quite a lot of laughs from kids and adults alike. He came on in a "fat suit." He was supposed to be Pavaratti (sp?) He ended up doing backflips in the costume that was quite entertaining. You had to be there to see how interesting this looked in his costume. The other highlight of his act was putting an elastic glove on his head, pulling it down over his face and blowing it up to an incredible size. Ok, not the most Muppet-like thing, but definately pretty funny, the way he did it. It really got huge. "It's supposed to break." he said, after staggering around the stage.

You really had to be there but it was quite funny.
I thought that there needed to have at least one more Muppet skit to make it more of a Muppet show. The filmed segments around the ship were absolutely brilliant and there could have been many more of these. They were definately crowd pleasers. They were really smart and cool. When the cruise director dressed as a chicken in a skit, it felt very Muppet-like. A guest star, surrounded by Muppets. I wish now that I had seen the show in the second performance (for those with early dinner seatings.) but I just couldn't miss eating with my dinner companions.
There were some complainers on board, for sure. More than in other cruises I have been on. Also significantly different was the relative lack of children. This 10 night cruise attracted people without children much more than I have ever experienced on Disney Cruise Line. The show I saw had very few kids. Late dinner seating is that way. Plus they must have been tired from the excursions of the day.
Honestly, the show was great. I loved it. No cards were given out for our performance. Comment cards are given at the end of the cruise. They very specifically mention on board entertainment, and make a distinction for special shows, etc. But that was all.
Of the people I was with. 4 thought it was great, not including moi.

One was disappointed that there were not more Muppet skits. I agree with that. So I guess there is some truth to the "bookend" comment but it is a harsh way to describe the need for another Muppet skit or two. Also, the rest is not even descriptive of the show. And a complaint that there were not enough of the Muppets is not criticism of the Muppets.
I think all the skits were "done right." Videotaped stuff was done brilliantly. Kermit and Miss Piggy were perfectly done.
Any more questions? I would be happy to answer, but am one person with my own opinions and memory is not my strong suit.