Muppet video "Holy Grails" Found!

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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View-Master things

Anyway, so I must have been thinking of those View-Master things. Micheal, just to be clear: would those tapes ONLY play on a View-Master console, or would I be able to play those on a regular American VCR as well? Have you ever seen these tapes for sale at all, and if so, how much were they going for? (For that matter, have you ever seen a View-Master console for sale?)
I never understood the whole "View-Master things" for this video at least the hey your as funny as fozzie bear one, if it looks like a VC tape it is a VCR tape, i got mine at a flea market and it works like anyother VCR tape, i think this is too over rated. it just means that kermit and fozzie talk to the kids just kermit would talk to the croud on the muppet show.

Zack) Rowlf the, if fozzie ask's you to put a towle in front of the TV you can put a towle in front of the tv or not and it won't matter, the show will go on, Dog.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Ok the Viewmaster tapes were available to buy but only for a short time, they quickly went onto clearence and were never seen again.

The tapes are exactly like normal NTSC tapes and go straight into your VCR. If you don't have the console plugged in you get, for some of the time, two different pictures - one at the top of the screen and another at the bottom. These are the two versions of the show that you can choose from if the console is plugged in. When the console is plugged in you only get the one screen and you also get the chance to play the games that appear during each show.

They also made four Sesame Street Tapes for the console. You ddn't see either the tapes or the console very often as I said they weren't popular which means very few were bought and therefore there is few on the second hand market. Its understandable also, the tapes were fantastic and a lot of effort was put into them, the idea is also good but the console itself is quite clunky and could have been designed better.

There is a section dedicated to this in the Collectibles Guide on so when that debuts you'll be able to see what it all looks like, that is unless you find them first!

Hope that helps Tom and enjoy the Play-Along tapes!



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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>>>Sorry for the false alarm, everyone. It wasn't a Muppet holy grail at all. It was, in fact, just a grail-shaped lemon. Just be aware and be careful when you make your own purchases of these tapes<<<

Oh I could tell you guys about what some of the *real* Muppet holy grails out there are, but Im sure a lot will be shown on ...though there are a few I am looking for(Electric Mayhem bus, yeah *THAT* one...MV3D worker labcoat, 2d scan of MV3D, etc)

crazy ernie

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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i have a muppet holy grail, the sesame street prodigy book. the one that was issued during theold prodigy service, it describes some features on the sesame street service

Chilly Down

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Thanks for all the info, Micheal! I'll be looking forward to the pictures of those videos.

Chilly Down

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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That dripping noise you hear is me drooling out of jealousy. ;-)