I'm supposed to be studying, but so far I spent all morning reciting the movie from memory (which I can totally do, haha!)
My favorite Muppet lines ever are in this movie! I just finished watching the fight between the shrimp character and Gonzo flinging starfish! I love it!
And the scene when Kermit swordfights the crap out of Silver, totally awesome!
"Kill Squire Trelawney and Mr. Bimbo and you'll have to...uh...negotiate strenuously!" Rizzo---Love it!
But my absolute favorite line of all Muppetdom comes from an exchange between Sam and Gonzo"
Mr. Arrow-"Is he bad tempered? The man is a raging volcano, tormented by inner demons the likes of which mere mortals cannot fathom!"
Gonzo-"He's got demons! Cool!"
I needed a good study break anyway!