Muppet Snow White

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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According to Muppet Wiki, Clifford appears in an easter egg cameo.
I already knew he made a cameo in issue #2. But I meant besides that (and last I checked, earlier today, the Muppet Wiki page didn't appear to have any new info regarding issue #3).

I hope Tough Pigs posts a review soon (and maybe also post the first five pages). It seems like The Muppet Mindset reviews only include images that Tough Pigs posts first... It'd be a shame if The Muppet Mindset posts a review monday that doesn't have any images at all (even if I'd rather see a review with no images than no review at all).


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Apr 16, 2002
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That reminds me... other than Annie Sue, off the top of my head:

Mad Monty
Clueless Morgan
Polly Lobster
Dr. Strangepork
Sweetums (in a very bit part)
and Mean Mama

There really isn't that many character cameos, and I can't tell if certain cameos are specific characters or just Muppetized background characters or what.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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There really isn't that many character cameos, and I can't tell if certain cameos are specific characters or just Muppetized background characters or what.
Yeah, that's the thing with stylized art, sometimes it can be hard to tell is a Muppet is supposed to be a certain existing character or just an artist's own design (Langridge sometimes has that issue in his art) - in fact i'm not altogether convinced that the pig who appears on page 8 is supposed to be who you mentioned - looks more like a "random" pig to me (and more like his season one prototype) though there's a couple of pigs on pages 2-3 that look more like they could be Andy/Randy but still good be "random pigs" depending on the eye of the beholder.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Tough Pigs finally has a five-page preview for the comic. And it looks like it's the best issue so far! I noticed some characters that Dr. Tooth didn't mention, such as Jerry (aka Slim Wilson) and Beard.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I noticed that the bartender in the two-page spread of issue #3 looks like Zoot with a full head of hair. He's even dressed similar.


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Apr 22, 2010
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I noticed that the bartender in the two-page spread of issue #3 looks like Zoot with a full head of hair. He's even dressed similar.
I noticed that too! My first thought was actually '...Zoot's evil twin?' XD


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Apr 13, 2002
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I had lots of reservations about the Muppet Tales comics mainly because whether it be film, tv, or book form the Muppets are best playing themselves instead of other people and although each film had moments, by far the weakest Muppet movies have been the ones where they're telling classic stories. But so far, all the tales have been made of win - even the weaker ones put the movie equivalents to shame. I've read each tales miniseries and have come away thinking "now why couldn't the films been like that?" I've gone from not really caring about them to totally looking forward to each issue. Of course it helps that so far, each comic series has been stronger than the one before it. Each one raises the bar and so far each team meets the challenge of topping what's come before. I know that pattern can't continue and sooner or later there will be a let-down, but i have become a fan of these. Plus if Disney's always had this odd obsession with having the Muppets tell classic stories, i'd rather see them doing it in comics than spending all the time and money doing it in a movie when said resources could be used on a better project like the one they're currently working on. Mind you, i wouldn't object to tv specials like these comics.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I agree... even when Jerry wrote them, the classic retelling movies were by far the weakest. I'm just going to come out and say, the reason why these ARE so good is that there aren't any human actors to be cast in roles that are just perfect for Muppet characters. Face it... if they actually made a Muppet Snow White, Kermit would be lucky to be one of the 7 Dwarfs. This comic is even in the style of MCC (especially since Rizzo and Gonzo are in the narrator roles playing the storytellers) and manages to be sharper in the writing category. Even the Robin Hood comic (which was plagued with first batch syndrome) is more interesting than MCC was. Not that I didn't like that movie... but when you have all the Muppets playing themselves playing all the roles (at least in the last 2 they seemed to REALLY do some damage on that fourth wall) you have something that works much much better.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Well, I just read at the Tough Pigs forum that the writer had wanted Beard to be the new seventh dwarf, but was told that they didn't have the rights to use The Jim Henson Hour characters. But I'm sure I saw Beard on the two-page spread at the beginning of issue #3 (unless that's supposed to be Zeke).


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Then who has 'em? Aren't they Muppets? You might argue Digit and Leon are Muppet-Creature hybrids, but surely Vicki and the rest of the Solid Foam band are actual Muppets.