Muppet Show Season 1-3 on Bluray


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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At Target...gotcha...will watch for that...
AND since technically since Disney owns the Muppets now...wouldn't that cover everything they have done including season 1-3?
Here's a thing about music rights. If you put music in a show, even if your characters sing them with different lyrics, you still don't own them. And while it sounds like a simple exchange of money, a lot of music rights holders are... well, let's say joyless old fogies that don't even own so much as a record and only love music for the money it brings them. Sometimes they'll let you renegotiate and just pay them an overly generous royalty, other times they'll be obstinate poo brain and refuse to let you use a song you already got the rights to use years before, but have no qualms about using it in a laxative ad... EVEN at the protest of the family of the deceased musician. Truth be told, Elvis's family threw a big stink when some talentless ad man used "Viva Las Vegs" rewritten with classy lyrics to sell Viagra. Raised a stink yes, could do a dang thing about it, no.

The theory is that it has something to do with the Michael Jackson estate's ownership of songs MJ bought in the 80's... including half rights to Beatles songs. it's very complicated from there... but estates are even MORE head up their butt obstinate than crotchety old music rights holders. That's why we haven't seen any John Denver and the Muppets re-releases. Dude that runs his estate is a freaking moron that the fans want Michael Eisnered out of there. That's what I think... the John Denver episode is in limbo because of the imbecile that owns that estate. There's probably something with Lucas and the Star Wars episode, but then if Lucas had a problem with Disney, we probably wouldn't see this:

Rights of character issues ARE different when it comes to film, but I don't think even George would screw a relationship like that up. I'd tend to think he'd be happy to see that on DVD. Mainly because it's not the Christmas special.

Even if that were the case, I'd rather see NO Star Wars or John Denver episode than no season 4 or 5 at all. But the Michael Jackson theory sounds reasonable.

But if this is just because Disney sucks at Season Set releases, there's NO excuse there.