Muppet Research Project


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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Hey Muppet fans, what's up? I've been assinged to do a little research on my favorite website, and I'd like for ALL of you to help. Basically, it's a demographic assignment... I'm here to see what 'type' of people come to the site. By that, I mean I'd like to hear just a little description about yourself (not too much), as well as how you became a Muppet fan, so I can get an idea of all the sorts of people who come here. Any help is appreciated, and I look foward to getting an A+, haha. This is for my Mass Communications class, and the media we're all researching is the internet. So, the job I took up was to view you guys, and get the skinny on why you're all Muppet fans. Thanks ahead of time, and I'll see ya later!
:smile: L

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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LUKE! Tell them we're all axe murders who eat their victims to consume their power.

I'm a 28-year-old married graphic designer from New Jersey who's loved the Muppets from birth. Being born in the late seventies, I became familiar with The Muppet Show before Sesame Street, watching it as an infant and into the toddler years. My mother had passed away shortly after I was born, so my father and I would watch The Muppet Show every Monday night until it ended, which was fine because then we enjoyed watching Fraggle Rock on HBO. My family in general greatly encouraged my interest in the Muppets by spoiling me with Muppet merchandise, taking me to see the Muppet Show and Sesame Street Live shows as well as encouraging me to try my own hand at puppetry. Ultimately, it was design and illustration that became my passion, but that only increased my aspirations of creativity, which I would almost completly atrribute to Jim Henson. You might say he was my life's inspiration.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Hey! I'm happy to help!

I'm a 24 year old recently married gal living in the Midwest (Minnesota specifically) who works in a pharmaceutical company. I became interested in the Muppets at a young age watching Sesame Street but also The Muppets Take Manhatten and The Great Muppet Caper as I had both of those movies on tape. I grew to enjoy Fraggle Rock and the Muppet Show as I got a little older and my love for the Muppets only continued to grow as I got older, I never OUTGREW them, instead I grew with them. I was never embarressed to admit to still watching Sesame Street and I grew to appreciate Jim on a whole new level the older I got. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
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Count me in. I'll help too

I'm 29 and I live in Central Illinois. I just got my bachelors degree in management this past summer. I am actually currently looking for a job in my field but in the meantime I'm working as a server. I always loved the muppets as a kid. I grew up watching fraggle rock and the muppet show. I always loved the muppets and never quit watching them. I started my collection of muppet DVD's when the best of the muppet show came out. Actually when I started collecting them, they were just being discontinued. So I went on a mad hunt trying to find what I can at the stores and the rest I bought on e-bay. My love for the muppets was rekindled in a sense. And now I think I love them more than ever. Hope you do well on your project.

Giar Fraggle

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2006
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I'm a more-than-mildly-insane puppeteer from Los Angeles. My age is more than 4 and less than purple squared. Right now I'm working on making my own puppet and finding a puppeteering job. I grew up on Sesame Street and watched The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, and Muppet Babies in syndication. I can't even remember a time before the Muppets were a part of my life. Unfortunately, I fell away from my Muppet fandom during my teenage years, persuing a career in *shudder* drawing manga (and becoming a Jedi Knight, but, uh, that's a different story). Then, like some kind of divine intervention, one year my mom bought the Muppet Christmas Carol DVD. I watched this childhood relic out of curiosity, and my fate was sealed. Now I'm a pretty much rabid Muppet fanatic. Whee.

Okay, I think I've blabbed enough about myself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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Thanks you guys for replying. If I may say so, I'll need at least 10 different people or more, and I need people from all age ranges. Basically if you'd like to, you could just explain why you love coming here... what made you sign up and kept coming back for more? How about you Phillip Chapman? Why exactly did you create the site?

Giar Fraggle

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2006
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Okay, I'm 18, a friend made me sign up, and I keep coming back because I like to be in the know about new Muppet stuff and it's a great way to keep in touch with other puppeteers and puppetbuilders, who have been such a wonderful help in my building a puppet and trying to find a puppeteering job.

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I used to come for the latest in Muppet news, then I came back more and more for Muppet Central Radio, now I come to hang with the friends I've made.

BTW, Luke; it's so cool to see you again. I'm gonna' give you a call in a few weeks.


Brian: an essay in three parts

***Who I Am***

I'm an 18 year old college student on the East Coast of the U.S. of A. I've recently completed a high school education in a Christian environment. I was never largely religious, but after being harassed my whole life, private school was my only option. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening! The kids at that school were nearly as cruel, if not crueler, than at public school. Some good came out of it, however. I met some people at that school who were a real experience, to say the least. (For more on that, visit my thread entitled "Here's my sob story"). I got saved when I was in 9th grade, but never regularly attended church. My senior year, I was elected class chaplain, but was deemed by all as not worthy to hold that position because of my candid opinions, blunt honesty, and obsession with the humor of Paul Lynde. Around here, though, I'm just the writer and creator of No Day But Today, which, no lie, only three people have responded to every single one (thank you, Snowthy, Marty, and Beth).

***How I Came To Love The Muppets***

Unfortunately, I was not on this earth during the intial run of Fraggle Rock. But, thanks to choice rerun syndication (compliments of the Disney Channel), Fraggle Rock became a part of my childhood. Not to mention MCC, and Sesame Street, and the like.

***Why I'm Still Here***

Let's face it, y'all haven't banned me yet! I love the people I've met and come to know through this forum. All of you are like a second family to me. Not to mention my submitting of NDBT scripts. I have great fun creating them and reading your feedback. If I get more of you to reply, then we'll really be set.

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Wow, Princeton; I never realized how young you were! You're so well spoken and intelligent; I always assumed you were much older.