I tried to call customs on the phone number they mentioned in my letter.
I also contacted our local post office and they told me that people who work at customs here in Belgium never answer phonecalls... so I emailed them my invoice on monday but no reply so far, so another phonecall to our local post office this morning and they told me the only thing I can do is wait, wait, wait.... :-(
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Really hoping you get your Kermit soon.
Can't wait to see your Piggy!!! I am definitely gonna go back and get her hopefully next month!
I'm visiting this thread to finally share pics of our Miss Piggy and her new threads! I thought the fluffy getup would go good with my Sons' Kermit, both of 'em looking warm and cozy. As for the suited Piggy, seemed to almost perfectly match her editor-look from the new movie! These mix and match alright, and I think she looks great with just the black shoes added (those plain pink footie-things just don't look right to me, ha). Also, I just discovered a purple dress (not sure why she wasn't designed with a purple dress to begin with, lol) that I'll be ordering shortly (I wish they had matching gloves!), as well as some pink high heels, both just as soon as I can get my $5 OFF coupon code to work that is, lol. Might even get the white wedding dress too, for a very early Muppet Show type look. Anyhow, here's some pics (some featuring our Kermit's! Little tiny Kermie too), enjoy!
The floppy white sunhat I wanted to get for her is sold out online, and they didn't have it in the store!

Hopefully they'll get restocked soon. Piggy would look great with a pink beret to go with that suit, I'll hafta check the infant girls section at Walmart and Babies*R*Us, ha ha. I wrote some reviews on the Build-A-Bear website for Piggy, Kermit, and most of the accessories we've gotten (MuppetDad77), hopefully they'll get published soon! I tried to really push "more Muppet characters" in all my reviews, ha ha. Hopefully more fans will write their own reviews and do the same!
