1.Animal- Agree, I can be very hyper and oddly enough love when things get blown up or destroyed, especially when I'm the one who did it XD
2. Kermit-Disagree
3. Rowlf-Disagree, I'm not as calm, I'm the one who goes into panic mode if theres danger or something.
4. Piggy- STRONGLY disagree
5. Snuffy-I dont know...
6. Bert-I agree somewhat. I can be very serious at times
7. Scooter-Yeah...I'm the smart nerdy type at school
Ah, the power of split personalities
Here is an Electric Mayhem Quiz I made. Ok, so its not that good (I was half asleep when I made it), but its better than some of the other EM quizes I've found
Whenever I take an EM quiz, it always comes out Floyd, even when I'm not purposly trying to get that result