I love how they can pay evil lawyers to troll around looking for stuff they can't in anyway market themselves and shut it down. Like the people attacking Youtube.
Ok so...first of all, Bren, it must have been a horrible feeling to get that e-mail and letter. Thank goodness you could get it all taken down quickly, and satisfactorally. I am sorry to hear that the site is gone. Thank you so much for providing us all with such an amazing resource.
But secondly, the lawyers are not evil. They have every right to get their material off the web and merely asked politely for that to happen. What right have we to put their copywrited matierial up for download? Would you say that Rolling was evil if she complained someone had typed the whole of Deathly Hallows onto the internet and people were reading it for free? Do you agree with people filming Spiderman in cinemas and sending it out across the net for all to see before it is released?
Yes, I loved downloading the music from Bren's site, but when we get a slap on the wrist we have to take it as such and realise, yes, what we were doing was stretching the law to a degree...let's think it over, step back, take some time out, and realise that we have to be responsible for our actions.
I'm sorry if you don't like that, Mr Tooth, but that's the fact.
Again, it is a shame the site is down. I hope we can find a way around it. But we have to realise that it was us, the people, who were in the wrong. Not Disney. Not their lawyers.