Seeing as how you seem to be the guru on Muppet music, perhaps you can help me.
One of the episodes (sorry, dont know which one: I was a lot younger at the time!) there was this sketch, set on a moon-like planetoid, where little coloured monsters popped up out of craters. One would pop up and say something like "Muggatrop!" and the disappear (I think) to be replaced by another who would blow steam out of either a pipe in its mouth or the top of its head, and make a sound like "Breep!"
I'd love to get the clip, but not knowing the name of the "song" I can't properly search for it.
Any ideas?
The monsters were very cute, if that helps, and I think had googly eyes (duh!) and thickish lips, were covered in fur and all bright colours (red/pink/purple).
Thanks for any help.