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MURPHY BROWNBAG--I've seen her only once in a sketch with Cookie Monster. She is a brown paper bag designed to look like Candice Bergen (she's sort of built like a homemade puppet, but more "Muppety").
THE PRINCE AND THE PIG--appear in two episodes in which Elmo writes their story. They're a really funny comedy duo played by David Rudman and Joey Mazzarino. The pig (whose actual name was George) was a generic pig puppet, and the prince is a tall orange AM with black page-boy hair, crown and purple shirt with blue vest. He has a pink nose and orange eyelids. They should be labeled together since both appear together in those two episodes.
JOHN-BUBBA-JOHN--a Muppet yokel. He's a lavendar live-hand AM that looks like a short-haired balding Forgetful Jones, without a moustache and a red/white plaid shirt.
LYDIA--John's wife, an orange live-hand AM with big blonde hair, eyelids and lashes, a blue nose, big earrings, and (I think) a blue/yellow dress.