- Joined
- Jul 12, 2002
- Messages
- 31,311
- Reaction score
- 2,952
1962 The Sabertooth Tiger (SS)
1963 The Safari animal tracker (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Cameron McDonald)
1964 The Sailor (TMS Movie, from TMM, Lawrence Gabriel Jr.)
1965 Sal Manilla (MT)
1966 Sally (SS, Holly Robinson-Peete)
1967 Sally Ann Representative (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Julia Arkos)
1968 Sally Ann Santa (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Dave "Squatch" Ward)
1969 Sally Messy Yuckaelle (SS)
1970 Saltine (TMS TV Movie, Miss Piggy from VMMCM)
1971 The Salzburg Sauerkraut Singers (TMS)
1972 Sam (S&F)
1973 Sam the Eagle (TMS)
1974 Sam the Robot (SS)
1975 Sam Turtle (TMS TV Movie, from EO)
1976 Same Sound Brown (SS)
1977 Sammy the Snake, the Diamondback (SS)
1978 Sammy the Snake, the Rattlesnake (SS)
1979 Sammy the Snake, the Striped-Snake (SS)
1980 Santa Claus (ss TV Movie, from Elmo Saves Christmas, Charles Durning)
1981 Santa's Elves (SS TV Movie, from Elmo Saves Christmas)
1982 The Sarcophagi (TMS)
1983 Sardi's Restaurant Maitre D' (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Michael Connolly)
1984 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #1 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Wade Barnes)
1985 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #2 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Ruth Button)
1986 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #3 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Lee-Ann Carr)
1987 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #4 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Richard Dubois)
1988 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #5 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Diana Hayes)
1989 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #6 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Jane Hunt)
1990 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #7 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Jaqueline Page)
1991 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #8 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Harriet Rawlings)
1992 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #9 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Milton Seaman)
1993 Sasha Bat (SS)
1994 Sasha the Siberian Tiger (JHAS)
1995 Savion (SS, Savion Glover)
1996 The Saxophone-Playing Creature (TMS)
1997 Scoop (S&F)
1998 Scoop Doozer (FR)
1999 Scooter (TMS)
2000 Scotch (SS)
2001 The Scotsman (TMS)
2002 Scottie McKilt (SS)
2003 The Scrap Metal Dealer (GOFH)
2004 Scred (The Land of Gorch)
2005 Scruffy (JHH)
2006 The Sea Horse (MT)
2007 Sean the Rabbit (JHAS)
2008 The Security Guard (TMS)
2009 The Security Guard (TMS Movie, from TGMC, Michael Robbins)
2010 The Security guard (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Colin Foo)
2011 Seinfeld Babies: Baby Elaine (MT)
2012 Seinfeld Babies: Baby George (MT)
2013 Seinfeld Babies: Baby Jerry (MT)
2014 Seinfeld Babies: Baby Kramer (MT)
2015 Señor Zero (ss, Emilio Delgado)
2016 Sergeant Thursday (SS)
2017 Sergio (MT)
2018 The Seven Dwarves: Angry (SS)
2019 The Seven Dwarves: Cheerful (SS)
2020 The Seven Dwarves: Fearful (SS)
2021 The Seven Dwarves: Lovey (SS)
2022 The Seven Dwarves: Proud (SS)
2023 The Seven Dwarves: Sad (SS)
2024 The Seven Dwarves: Surprise (SS)
2025 The Seven Foot Tall Talking Carrot (TMS)
2026 Seven-Words-Max (FR)
2027 Seymour (MT)
2028 The S-Girls (SS)
2029 Shadow (BITBBH)
2030 Shakes Rat (TMS Movie, from MFS)
2031 Shakie Sanchez (TMS)
2032 Sharon Groan (SS Movie, from TAOEIG)
2033 The Sheep (SS)
2034 The Sheep (TMS)
2035 The Shiekh of Araby (TMS)
2036 Sheila Kangaroo (SS)
2037 Sheldon (SS, )
2038 Sheldon the Turtle (SS)
2039 Shelley Snipes (TMS Movie, from MFS, Andie MacDowell)
2040 The Shepherd (TMS)
2041 The Sheriff of Notingham (TMS, Gonzo the Great from Muppet Robin Hood)
2042 Sherlock Hemlock (SS)
2043 Sherry Netherland (SS)
2044 Shirley Muskrat (TMS TV Movie, from EO)
2045 The Shoemaker (SS, from the Elves and the Shoemaker)
2046 The Shoemaker's Wife (SS, from the Elves and the Shoemaker)
2047 Shola (SS, )
2048 Short Stack Stevens (TMS Movie, from MTI)
2049 Shouting Lady (TMS)
2050 Showered Rosell (SS)
2051 Sidebottom Fraggle (FR)
2052 Sid Knishes and his Mashing Potatoes (MT)
2053 Sidney Camel (SS)
2054 Simon the Sound Man (SS)
2055 The Singing Dentists (SS)
2056 The Singing Firemen (TMS)
2057 The Singing Food (TMS)
2058 The Singing Rats (TMS)
2059 The Singing Socks (SS Movie, from TAOEIG)
2060 The Singing Weatherman (TMS)
2061 Sinister Sam (SS)
2062 Sir Blunderbrain (FR)
2063 Sir Elmoton (SS, from the Kingdom of Fred)
2064 Sir John Feelgood (SS)
2065 Sir Robin the Brave (TMS TV Movie, from The Frog Prince, Gordon Thomson)
2066 Sister Tuck (TMS, Miss Piggy from Muppet Robin Hood)
2067 The Six Dollar Man (SS)
2068 The Six Dwarves: Drippy (SS)
2069 The Six Dwarves: Flaky (SS)
2070 The Six Dwarves: Poky (SS)
2071 The Six Dwarves: Schnooky (SS)
2072 The Six Dwarves: Sleepy (SS)
2073 The Six Dwarves: Sparky (SS)
2074 Skeeter (TMS)
2075 Skenfrith (FR)
2076 The Sleaze Brothers (TMS)
2077 The Sleaze Bros.: Sam Sleaze (SS Movie, from FTB!, Dave Thomas)
2078 The Sleaze Bros.: Sid Sleaze (SS Movie, from FTB!, Joe Flaherty)
2079 Sleeping Beauty (SS)
2080 Slim Wilson (TMS)
2081 Slimey The Worm (SS)
2082 Slippery Slim (SS)
2083 The Slithy Toves (TMS)
2084 Sloppy Worm, Slimey's Baby Sister (SS)
2085 The Slug (MT)
2086 Sly the Crocodile (JHAS)
2087 The Small Green Wolf (SS)
2088 The Small Lavender Wolf (SS)
2089 The Small Red Monster (SS)
2090 The Small World Dolls (TMS TV Special, from MWDW)
2091 Smart Tina (SS)
2092 The Smashing Pumpkins (MT)
2093 The Snail (JHH TV Movie, from TOTBP)
2094 The Snake (FR)
2095 The Snake (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2096 Snake Walker (TMS Movie, from TMM, Scott Walker)
2097 Snarl, the Cigar Box Frackle (TMS TV Special, from The Great Santa Claus Switch)
2098 The Snerfs (SS)
2099 The Snerfs (TMS)
2100 Snooky Bloir (MT)
2101 The Snores (TMS)
2102 Snort, Babble's Brother (JHH TV Movie, from TOTBP)
2103 Snow White (SS)
2104 Snowball, Alan's pet rock (SS)
2105 The Snowman (TMS TV Movie, from MFC)
2106 The Snowths (TMS)
2107 Snuffy's Grandmother (SS)
2108 The Soap Opera Mrs. Goldfarb: The Baby (JHH)
2109 The Soap Opera Mrs. Goldfarb: The Husband (JHH)
2110 The Soap Opera Mrs. Goldfarb: The Wife (JHH)
2111 The Sock Monkey (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2112 Solid Citizen Lady, The Amazing Mumford's assisstant (SS)
2113 Sonny Friendly (SS)
2114 Sopwith the Camel (TMS)
2115 Sough (SS, )
2116 Spa'am (TMS Movie, from MTI)
2117 The Space Alien (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2118 The Space Lobsters (JHH)
2119 Spaceship Surprise's Crew (SS)
2120 Spalding Monster (SS)
2121 Spamela Hamderson (MT)
2122 Sparky (SS)
2123 The Spider (TMS)
2124 The Spider (MT, from Fairyland PD)
2125 The Spies (TMS)
2126 The Spinning Clown (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2127 Splurge (TMS TV Movie, from Hey Cinderella!)
2128 Spot the Pig (SS)
2129 Sprocket (FR)
2130 The Square (SS)
2131 Squiggles the Worm (SS)
2132 Squire Trelawney (TMS Movie, Fozzie Bear from MTI)
2133 Squire Trelawney's Butler (TMS Movie, from MTI, Jerry Nelson)
2134 The Squirrelles (SS)
2135 The Squirrel Family (TMS TV Movie, from EO)
2136 The Squirrels (TMS)
2137 The Stalagmites or Stalagtites (TMS)
2138 The State Trooper (SS Movie, from FTB!, John Candy)
2139 Statler (TMS)
2140 The Steamboat Duck (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2141 The Steel Rabbit (TMS)
2142 Stella (SS)
2143 Stepmother (TMS TV Movie, from Hey Cinderella!, Pat Galloway)
2144 Sterling Poodle (MT)
2145 Steve (MT)
2146 Steven (SS, )
2147 Stevie Elephant (SS)
2148 The Stick Giraffe (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2149 Stinky the Skunk (JHAS)
2150 Stinky the Stinkweed (SS)
2151 The Stone Head (TMS)
2152 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Emperor (SS)
2153 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Emperor's Son (SS)
2154 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Evil Prime Minister (SS)
2155 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Storyteller (SS)
2156 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The Customer (JHH)
2157 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The King (JHH)
2158 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The Storyteller (JHH)
2159 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The Stranger (JHH, Chris Langham)
2160 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Fireman (SS)
2161 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The King (SS)
2162 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Royal Cook (SS)
2163 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Royal Doctor (SS)
2164 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Royal Postman (SS)
2165 The Storyteller (JHH, John Hurt)
2166 The Storyteller's Dog (JHH)
2167 The Storyteller Bunny (JHH TV Movie, from TOTBP)
2168 Storyteller Fraggle (FR)
2169 Stosh (MT)
2170 Stuckweed (SS Movie, from TAOEIG)
2171 Student #1 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Lauren Leech)
2172 Student #2 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Casey Leslie)
2173 Student #3 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Jarrod W. Amos)
2174 Student #4 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Ryan H. Amos)
2175 Student #5 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Kristen Millen)
2176 Student #6 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Krystina Malden)
2177 Student #7 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, J.W. Moore)
2178 The Stuffed Dragon (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2179 The Stunt Cat (JHH)
2180 Sullivan (SS)
2181 Sully (SS)
2182 Summer Squall (SS)
2183 Sundance the Lion (TMS)
2184 Super Baby (SS)
2185 Super Beaker (TMS)
2186 Super Chicken (SS)
2187 Super Construction Worker (SS, )
2188 Super Elmo (SS)
2189 Super Fozzie (TMS)
2190 Super Gonzo (TMS)
2191 Super Grouch (SS)
2192 Super Grover (SS)
2193 Super Guitar Girl (SS)
2194 Super Lew Zealand (TMS)
2195 Super Link Hogthrob (TMS)
2196 Super Mommy, Super Grover's Mommy (SS)
2197 Super Needs a Haircut (SS, )
2198 Super Ponytail (SS, )
2199 Super Propeller Hat (SS, )
2200 Super Puppy (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2201 Super Rat (TMS)
2202 Super Rizzo (TMS)
2203 Super Scooter (TMS)
2204 Super Sheep (TMS)
2205 Super Tutu (SS)
2206 Susan Robinson (SS, )Loretta Long
2207 Svengali (TMS)
2208 The Swan (SS)
2209 The Swedish Chef (TMS)
2210 Sweetums (TMS)
2211 The Swiss Cheese (MT)
2212 The Switcheroos (TMS)
2213 Sy, the Pastrami Farmer (SS)
2214 Sylvester Stallone's Groupie Brigade (TMS)
2215 Sylvia, Grungetta's pet worm (SS)
1962 The Sabertooth Tiger (SS)
1963 The Safari animal tracker (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Cameron McDonald)
1964 The Sailor (TMS Movie, from TMM, Lawrence Gabriel Jr.)
1965 Sal Manilla (MT)
1966 Sally (SS, Holly Robinson-Peete)
1967 Sally Ann Representative (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Julia Arkos)
1968 Sally Ann Santa (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Dave "Squatch" Ward)
1969 Sally Messy Yuckaelle (SS)
1970 Saltine (TMS TV Movie, Miss Piggy from VMMCM)
1971 The Salzburg Sauerkraut Singers (TMS)
1972 Sam (S&F)
1973 Sam the Eagle (TMS)
1974 Sam the Robot (SS)
1975 Sam Turtle (TMS TV Movie, from EO)
1976 Same Sound Brown (SS)
1977 Sammy the Snake, the Diamondback (SS)
1978 Sammy the Snake, the Rattlesnake (SS)
1979 Sammy the Snake, the Striped-Snake (SS)
1980 Santa Claus (ss TV Movie, from Elmo Saves Christmas, Charles Durning)
1981 Santa's Elves (SS TV Movie, from Elmo Saves Christmas)
1982 The Sarcophagi (TMS)
1983 Sardi's Restaurant Maitre D' (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Michael Connolly)
1984 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #1 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Wade Barnes)
1985 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #2 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Ruth Button)
1986 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #3 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Lee-Ann Carr)
1987 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #4 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Richard Dubois)
1988 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #5 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Diana Hayes)
1989 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #6 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Jane Hunt)
1990 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #7 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Jaqueline Page)
1991 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #8 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Harriet Rawlings)
1992 Sardi's Restaurant Customer #9 (TMS Movie, from TMTM, Milton Seaman)
1993 Sasha Bat (SS)
1994 Sasha the Siberian Tiger (JHAS)
1995 Savion (SS, Savion Glover)
1996 The Saxophone-Playing Creature (TMS)
1997 Scoop (S&F)
1998 Scoop Doozer (FR)
1999 Scooter (TMS)
2000 Scotch (SS)
2001 The Scotsman (TMS)
2002 Scottie McKilt (SS)
2003 The Scrap Metal Dealer (GOFH)
2004 Scred (The Land of Gorch)
2005 Scruffy (JHH)
2006 The Sea Horse (MT)
2007 Sean the Rabbit (JHAS)
2008 The Security Guard (TMS)
2009 The Security Guard (TMS Movie, from TGMC, Michael Robbins)
2010 The Security guard (TMS TV Movie, from VMMCM, Colin Foo)
2011 Seinfeld Babies: Baby Elaine (MT)
2012 Seinfeld Babies: Baby George (MT)
2013 Seinfeld Babies: Baby Jerry (MT)
2014 Seinfeld Babies: Baby Kramer (MT)
2015 Señor Zero (ss, Emilio Delgado)
2016 Sergeant Thursday (SS)
2017 Sergio (MT)
2018 The Seven Dwarves: Angry (SS)
2019 The Seven Dwarves: Cheerful (SS)
2020 The Seven Dwarves: Fearful (SS)
2021 The Seven Dwarves: Lovey (SS)
2022 The Seven Dwarves: Proud (SS)
2023 The Seven Dwarves: Sad (SS)
2024 The Seven Dwarves: Surprise (SS)
2025 The Seven Foot Tall Talking Carrot (TMS)
2026 Seven-Words-Max (FR)
2027 Seymour (MT)
2028 The S-Girls (SS)
2029 Shadow (BITBBH)
2030 Shakes Rat (TMS Movie, from MFS)
2031 Shakie Sanchez (TMS)
2032 Sharon Groan (SS Movie, from TAOEIG)
2033 The Sheep (SS)
2034 The Sheep (TMS)
2035 The Shiekh of Araby (TMS)
2036 Sheila Kangaroo (SS)
2037 Sheldon (SS, )
2038 Sheldon the Turtle (SS)
2039 Shelley Snipes (TMS Movie, from MFS, Andie MacDowell)
2040 The Shepherd (TMS)
2041 The Sheriff of Notingham (TMS, Gonzo the Great from Muppet Robin Hood)
2042 Sherlock Hemlock (SS)
2043 Sherry Netherland (SS)
2044 Shirley Muskrat (TMS TV Movie, from EO)
2045 The Shoemaker (SS, from the Elves and the Shoemaker)
2046 The Shoemaker's Wife (SS, from the Elves and the Shoemaker)
2047 Shola (SS, )
2048 Short Stack Stevens (TMS Movie, from MTI)
2049 Shouting Lady (TMS)
2050 Showered Rosell (SS)
2051 Sidebottom Fraggle (FR)
2052 Sid Knishes and his Mashing Potatoes (MT)
2053 Sidney Camel (SS)
2054 Simon the Sound Man (SS)
2055 The Singing Dentists (SS)
2056 The Singing Firemen (TMS)
2057 The Singing Food (TMS)
2058 The Singing Rats (TMS)
2059 The Singing Socks (SS Movie, from TAOEIG)
2060 The Singing Weatherman (TMS)
2061 Sinister Sam (SS)
2062 Sir Blunderbrain (FR)
2063 Sir Elmoton (SS, from the Kingdom of Fred)
2064 Sir John Feelgood (SS)
2065 Sir Robin the Brave (TMS TV Movie, from The Frog Prince, Gordon Thomson)
2066 Sister Tuck (TMS, Miss Piggy from Muppet Robin Hood)
2067 The Six Dollar Man (SS)
2068 The Six Dwarves: Drippy (SS)
2069 The Six Dwarves: Flaky (SS)
2070 The Six Dwarves: Poky (SS)
2071 The Six Dwarves: Schnooky (SS)
2072 The Six Dwarves: Sleepy (SS)
2073 The Six Dwarves: Sparky (SS)
2074 Skeeter (TMS)
2075 Skenfrith (FR)
2076 The Sleaze Brothers (TMS)
2077 The Sleaze Bros.: Sam Sleaze (SS Movie, from FTB!, Dave Thomas)
2078 The Sleaze Bros.: Sid Sleaze (SS Movie, from FTB!, Joe Flaherty)
2079 Sleeping Beauty (SS)
2080 Slim Wilson (TMS)
2081 Slimey The Worm (SS)
2082 Slippery Slim (SS)
2083 The Slithy Toves (TMS)
2084 Sloppy Worm, Slimey's Baby Sister (SS)
2085 The Slug (MT)
2086 Sly the Crocodile (JHAS)
2087 The Small Green Wolf (SS)
2088 The Small Lavender Wolf (SS)
2089 The Small Red Monster (SS)
2090 The Small World Dolls (TMS TV Special, from MWDW)
2091 Smart Tina (SS)
2092 The Smashing Pumpkins (MT)
2093 The Snail (JHH TV Movie, from TOTBP)
2094 The Snake (FR)
2095 The Snake (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2096 Snake Walker (TMS Movie, from TMM, Scott Walker)
2097 Snarl, the Cigar Box Frackle (TMS TV Special, from The Great Santa Claus Switch)
2098 The Snerfs (SS)
2099 The Snerfs (TMS)
2100 Snooky Bloir (MT)
2101 The Snores (TMS)
2102 Snort, Babble's Brother (JHH TV Movie, from TOTBP)
2103 Snow White (SS)
2104 Snowball, Alan's pet rock (SS)
2105 The Snowman (TMS TV Movie, from MFC)
2106 The Snowths (TMS)
2107 Snuffy's Grandmother (SS)
2108 The Soap Opera Mrs. Goldfarb: The Baby (JHH)
2109 The Soap Opera Mrs. Goldfarb: The Husband (JHH)
2110 The Soap Opera Mrs. Goldfarb: The Wife (JHH)
2111 The Sock Monkey (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2112 Solid Citizen Lady, The Amazing Mumford's assisstant (SS)
2113 Sonny Friendly (SS)
2114 Sopwith the Camel (TMS)
2115 Sough (SS, )
2116 Spa'am (TMS Movie, from MTI)
2117 The Space Alien (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2118 The Space Lobsters (JHH)
2119 Spaceship Surprise's Crew (SS)
2120 Spalding Monster (SS)
2121 Spamela Hamderson (MT)
2122 Sparky (SS)
2123 The Spider (TMS)
2124 The Spider (MT, from Fairyland PD)
2125 The Spies (TMS)
2126 The Spinning Clown (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2127 Splurge (TMS TV Movie, from Hey Cinderella!)
2128 Spot the Pig (SS)
2129 Sprocket (FR)
2130 The Square (SS)
2131 Squiggles the Worm (SS)
2132 Squire Trelawney (TMS Movie, Fozzie Bear from MTI)
2133 Squire Trelawney's Butler (TMS Movie, from MTI, Jerry Nelson)
2134 The Squirrelles (SS)
2135 The Squirrel Family (TMS TV Movie, from EO)
2136 The Squirrels (TMS)
2137 The Stalagmites or Stalagtites (TMS)
2138 The State Trooper (SS Movie, from FTB!, John Candy)
2139 Statler (TMS)
2140 The Steamboat Duck (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2141 The Steel Rabbit (TMS)
2142 Stella (SS)
2143 Stepmother (TMS TV Movie, from Hey Cinderella!, Pat Galloway)
2144 Sterling Poodle (MT)
2145 Steve (MT)
2146 Steven (SS, )
2147 Stevie Elephant (SS)
2148 The Stick Giraffe (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2149 Stinky the Skunk (JHAS)
2150 Stinky the Stinkweed (SS)
2151 The Stone Head (TMS)
2152 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Emperor (SS)
2153 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Emperor's Son (SS)
2154 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Evil Prime Minister (SS)
2155 The Story of the Four Dragons: The Storyteller (SS)
2156 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The Customer (JHH)
2157 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The King (JHH)
2158 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The Storyteller (JHH)
2159 The Story of the Hat-Sharpening King: The Stranger (JHH, Chris Langham)
2160 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Fireman (SS)
2161 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The King (SS)
2162 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Royal Cook (SS)
2163 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Royal Doctor (SS)
2164 The Story of the King who Thought Firemen are Allowed: The Royal Postman (SS)
2165 The Storyteller (JHH, John Hurt)
2166 The Storyteller's Dog (JHH)
2167 The Storyteller Bunny (JHH TV Movie, from TOTBP)
2168 Storyteller Fraggle (FR)
2169 Stosh (MT)
2170 Stuckweed (SS Movie, from TAOEIG)
2171 Student #1 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Lauren Leech)
2172 Student #2 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Casey Leslie)
2173 Student #3 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Jarrod W. Amos)
2174 Student #4 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Ryan H. Amos)
2175 Student #5 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Kristen Millen)
2176 Student #6 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, Krystina Malden)
2177 Student #7 (TMS TV Movie, from KSY, J.W. Moore)
2178 The Stuffed Dragon (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2179 The Stunt Cat (JHH)
2180 Sullivan (SS)
2181 Sully (SS)
2182 Summer Squall (SS)
2183 Sundance the Lion (TMS)
2184 Super Baby (SS)
2185 Super Beaker (TMS)
2186 Super Chicken (SS)
2187 Super Construction Worker (SS, )
2188 Super Elmo (SS)
2189 Super Fozzie (TMS)
2190 Super Gonzo (TMS)
2191 Super Grouch (SS)
2192 Super Grover (SS)
2193 Super Guitar Girl (SS)
2194 Super Lew Zealand (TMS)
2195 Super Link Hogthrob (TMS)
2196 Super Mommy, Super Grover's Mommy (SS)
2197 Super Needs a Haircut (SS, )
2198 Super Ponytail (SS, )
2199 Super Propeller Hat (SS, )
2200 Super Puppy (TMS TV Movie, from TCT)
2201 Super Rat (TMS)
2202 Super Rizzo (TMS)
2203 Super Scooter (TMS)
2204 Super Sheep (TMS)
2205 Super Tutu (SS)
2206 Susan Robinson (SS, )Loretta Long
2207 Svengali (TMS)
2208 The Swan (SS)
2209 The Swedish Chef (TMS)
2210 Sweetums (TMS)
2211 The Swiss Cheese (MT)
2212 The Switcheroos (TMS)
2213 Sy, the Pastrami Farmer (SS)
2214 Sylvester Stallone's Groupie Brigade (TMS)
2215 Sylvia, Grungetta's pet worm (SS)