Well, there's always the Fraggle-hole and cavern entrance in our room.
Mokey: "And don't forget about the one in SkeeterMuppet's and Red's room too."
Ah yes, well that's true or is it?
Mokey: "Don't worry about it. So did you finish your Christmas shopping?"
Sure did, and now I need some help wrapping the whole thing. Even did some online shopping for myself for both my B-Day and the X-Mas.
Mokey: "If you want, I can store them in the common room with a big label for you. Then when I get the chance I'll take them up to either Aaron or Kyle to do the wrapping."
Thanks Mokey, I'll give you the stuff to store tomorrow. BTW: Need any help picking out gifts for Lanford or the other Fraggles?
Mokey: "No, that's OK. Got some pebbles for Boober and Wembley, a few Doozerstick towers hidden back home, and a new backpack for Gobo."
Well, I'm glad to know that we've planned ahead for the holidays. Now I just need to finish studying for final exams and coordinate taking them with either my readers or the professors.
Hope this helps and have a good night.