Muppet College Roommates

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Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Thanks Count! Yes I know good old Kevin! (FOZ) (Is he still active in this thread or should I e-mail him?)

Zack:Come on Pepe let's move all our stuff to the third floor.

Pepe: oh's I hope dis dorm has "Elelaters"!

Zack: You mean elevators?

Pepe: Dis is what I said! "Elelaters"!

Zack: Yeah I think it does.

Pepe: Okay's just make sure you don't mix me up and put me in a box with all your other Muppet collectables like last time!

Zack: Whoops! oh yeah I forgot about that! LOL!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Zack, I hope you don't confuse Pepe your roommate with the Pepe action figure to be released by Palisades Toys as part of their S5 soon. There are a couple of flights of stairs, one of them a spiral staircase and painted in a myriad of multi-colors effect. Not sure if there are any "elevators" here in the dorms, you'll have to check with Scooter (MC) just leave a note for her. But there's an "elewator" of sorts. You see, in the common/living rooms on both Floor 1 and 2, there's an antique yet spooky furnace in the back right corner if facing the common rooms. Inside the furnace, there's a dumbwaitor used by Byron and Rowlf the Dog and Mokey and myself to get from one floor to the other. Of course, it's not used exclusively by the four of us, it's just that Byron suggested it in the first place and I seconded the motion for the installment of the dumbwaitor connecting both floors. Also, it's best to have it there next to both of our rooms cause they're the first ones on both of the lower floors. If you remember the floor plan constructed or occupied to date, Byron and Rowlf have Room #15 and Mokey and I have Room #1. And now that you have Room #30 or the first room up on Floor 3, you'd have direct access to the dumbwaitor's furnace tucked into the back right corner of the third floor's common room.
As for the job, just post it here as a message directed for Kevin or send him an E-mail message through the forum's mailer.
Hope this helps and have a good day.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Kyle, I'll have to check our calendar to see if we can go with you and the monsters to the mansion up on Muppet Hill. BTW: Do you know who owned the mansion? The reason I have to check is cause there might be a Halloween party held here at the dorms by Dr. Bombay and myself, and our respective roommates. And I wouldn't want to say "Yes" without checking with them first. Of course, that could change if we feel that the mansion would be a better place to have the dorms' Halloween party though. Oh, and do you know if the mansion's already haunted? Cause if not, then it would prove a good place for my ghosts to reside in after being plucked from the Netherworldly vortex kept in the top hat you gave me for which I'm most grateful. And if it is indeed already haunted, it would prove useful as well for me to capture some new ghosts and add them to my monster roster.
Well, hope to hear from you soon, and I hope you have a good day.

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Zack: Oh cool there's a dumbwaitor in our room!! so we'll be able to load our stuff and take it up to our room then on that then Count?

Pepe: We have a dumb waiter? Si, I hate dumb waiters, they always gets my order's wrong at Burger King...

Zack: Pepe they don't have waiters at Burger King! LOL! a dumbwaitors kinda like an elevator.

Pepe: A dumbwaitors lifts the food right to our room like room service?!?! Very cools okay!!!!

Zack: Living with you Pepe is going to be an experice I'll never forget.

Zack)Rowlf the, I wanna be a Muppet writer!Dog.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well, yeah, you could use the dumbwaitor to lift your stuff up to your room Zack. But like I said, the dumbwaitor's not in your room, it's tucked into the antique yet spooky furnace in the back right corner of the common room, which is next to your room on your left if facing the common room.

Here's how it works. You enter through the dorm house's main doors and you have the lobby in front of you. Set 1 of the internal doors takes you into a small alcove with two doors in front and to your right. The door to the right has a sign marked "Stairs" and leads to the spiral staircase. The door in front of you, Set 2, leads to the corridors with the rooms. In front you have the spacious common room, and two hallways of rooms to both sides. After talking to Scooter (MC) who approves the design of the dorm house and draws up the plans to show everybody on her wwebsite, the two hallways each have a total of eight rooms lined up in two rows of four rooms each facing each other. The hallway with dormrooms to your right would be the West Wing, and the hallway to your left would be the East Wing. On Floor 1, the West Wing has the following rooms: You turn to your right in a 90º angle and you see to your left four rooms. In order, they are, Room #1 occupied by the Count (MC) and Mokey Fraggle, Room #3 occupied by FireImps87 and Johnny Fiama and Sal Manilla, Room #5 occupied by Squigiman and Gonzo the Great, and Room #7 occupied by wockaocka (Rachael) and Fozzie Bear. On your right, there's Room #2 occupied by SkeeterMuppet (Kim) and Red Fraggle, Room #4 occupied by Scooter (MC) and Scooter, Room #6 occupied by Dr. Bombay and Kermit The Frog, and a laundry room. You turn back to face the common room and turn in a 90º angle to your left and have the same two rows of rooms. On your right, there's Rooms #8, 10, 12 and 14, all unoccupied at the moment; and Rooms #9, 11, 13 and the Floor 1 Bathrooms on your left.
Then you walk back up the stairs to Floor 2 and see the same setup. Facing the newly furnished Floor 2 common room, differing from the decorations of the common room below, you turn to your right in a 90º angle and find two rows of rooms. On your left, there's Room #15 occupied by Janice & Mokey's Man (Byron) and Rowlf The Dog, and Rooms #17, 19 and 21, all unoccupied at present. On your right, there's Room #16 occupied by Fozzie Bear (Kevin) and Floyd Pepper, the dorm house managers, Room #18 occupied by Anathema (Alex) and Janice, Room #20 occupied by HeraLirambar and Zoot, and Room #22 currently vacant. Turning back to face the Floor 2 common room and then turning to your left in yet another 90º angle, you'll find the following rooms: Room #23 vacant as of right now, Room #25 occupied by Crazy Ernie and Big Bird, Room #27 occupied by Daffyfan2003 and Bert, and Room #29 occupied by Don'tLiveinMoon (Aaron) and Ernie on your right; and Room #24 occupied by AaronLikesRowlf and the Newsman, Room #26 occupied by Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster and Grover Monster and Herry Monster, Room #28 left without a resident, and the Floor 2 Bathrooms on your left. In the Floor 2 common room there's a trashcan occupied by Oscar the Grouch in the back left corner and an antique yet spooky furnace in the back right corner when facing the common room again. This same furnace was bought in duplicate and you'll find its mate down in Floor 1's common room. And I suspect there'll be a third such furnace installed into the Floor 3 common room's back right corner once Scooter (MC) comes back to this thread and sees that you've taken up your quarters in Room #30 up on the third floor. It is inside these furnaces where you'll access the dumbwaitor; and according to the explanation laid out for you in this post, you'll see that your room is next to the common room to maintain numeric consistency with the other two floors.
Hope this helps and have a good day Zack and Pepe.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys! No love for the Muppet College dorms? What's been happening lately? Crazy Ernie, how's the decorations for the Jim Henson Day coming along? Rully hoping for the falling baker to put in a special guest appearance so that we can get a whole batch of numbers, and the desserts that go along with them.
Well, if anybody needs any help, Mokey's watering the plants in the garden and will sketch some new ghost ideas I've got. As for me, I'll be in our room checking out the VCD's and adding to the Muppet listings.
Hope this helps and have a good afternoon.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ah, vhat a vonderful evening! Thanks to Luke for replying in another thread, the listing's now gotten 8, 8 exciting additional entries! Then, with Mokey's expert artistic talents, we got the first three ghosts for my grand Muppet Party project. And the best part of all, there was a vonderful thunder storm all afternoon long, lasting into the night! Yes, and I even saw a decent number of lightningbolts through our room's window, helping me enjoy the counting during the storm's rain!

If there's one thing that immediately puts me in a good mood, it's whenever there's a storm brewing that brings triumphant thunderclaps and lovely lightningbolts with it.
Well, hope the rest of you guys have as a good a night as we've had.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2002
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who wants to watch who framed roger rabbit


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Did I hear Roger Rabbit? My friend is over at my room. I would love u to met my best friend. SHANE EVERETT!!!

*Shane walks in*

SE: Hi. I'm a good friend of Kyle'sWe've known each other since kindergranden.

Yes this is my friend Shane. He came to visit friday. So Aaron? How about starting the movie. I'll go get the drinks and snacks. Be right back.

*Kyle zooms out the door*

SE: So? *looks around the room*


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2002
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Aaron pops in the movie

so you like muppets
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